For their first anniversary Kamas Dofus Retro, the Infinite Dreams are entirely revised to fit their objectives! The attribute is, rediscovered by difficulty, rewards, Rogue-like! As promised, the Dofus group continues to develop Infinite Dreams and in a rather... radical way! The attribute is completely redone by making it without removing its issue, more enjoyable and following all the returns which have been made! Because spots will follow next, and that will not be!

A first stage, and one of the most significant: Your progress will be erased when switching to 2.54. From the flooring, into a own reflections and points of dreams, EVERYTHING will disappear to make way for Dreams 2.0. It will be a chance for some to attempt it, or to rediscover the dreams from A to Z. Too poor for ULTRA players like Volcasaurus, having to see their efforts go back to zero! The problem was based only in the room on the Bosses along with the ground. Now a lot parameters will determine the variable! Its connection with all the awards and also the experience is reinforced. As on the previous edition, the more you fight, the more you make! Thus, as well as the ground and the critters, the level will be obtained via.

This score and this score will now determine the buys that will be offered to you. The reward limitation to get a Boss is removed. A Royal Gobball will have the ability to offer rewards that a Vortex gave, just if the difficulty score is sufficient.The score will also determine your fantasy stage earnings. You may earn 1% of dream things for each score line over the floor. But this mechanism is a double-edged sword, since it will be -1% dream things for each score point below your floor! The case given by the group corresponds to a gain of + 24% while you're on flooring 200 if the space score is 224.

The Dreams we have been researching so much was a portion of what the Draconiros feature is, although It's been said many times. The well is divided into 5 sub-areas. This may bring a real objective, but also more diversity into your room cards: Hit the 400 flooring. Why? The awards of novelty which will bring the Dreams closer to buy Dofus Kamas a style is the addition of chest as loot on your fights! There'll be twelve, dispersed on this well's first four sectors. By opening benefits from the store, like some which we will talk about below but also legends, 17, you can get them.