There can not really be any reasonable comparisons. OSRS began using 3 decades of growth already done, so it's not fair to RuneScape gold efficiently give them 12 years to RS2s 9 decades, and regardless of time passed there are enormous differences in what sorts of development teams that the two games have experienced and the conditions they had to operate under - RS2 could do what they wanted without needing to pass polls, for greater and worse.Just because the comparison isnt completely equal doesn't mean it's not worth studying. Assessing RS3 using a game where every update is polled is actually way more intriguing. You comparing Jagex model of runescape into the players' version of runescape.

Compare them, confident, and. I'm only saying that the"been outside as long since rs2 existed" is not a meaningful timestamp whatsoever due to the gaps. Polling is for better and worse, As I said. Yeswe get a mention on what we want, but it also means that Jagex will be less likely to devote a lot of work creating something big which may end up not even passing anyhow, like we have voted down every single new skill proposal, so they probably won't try to bring another any time soon despite the bulk wanting more skills. Considering what happened to rs2 that I think it a positive thing, however it does have downsides.

It's somewhat more complex than that imo. EOC on launch was horribly dumb but MTX wasn't that bad however. Today EOC is actually okay but MTX has gone way too far and there's no coming back (in a recent poll there was a question about quitting or cutting playtime and among the options was"I got tired of MTX" however they probably put it there only make it seem like they might do something about it)The way ability based combat works on RS3 is quite horrible tbh. It just does not feel great to play with effectively 0.6 second lag because of the way that server functions work. I used to play both OSRS and RS3, but when classic wow came out I was quite surprised how a 15 year-old game had a more straightforward combat system than contemporary RS3.

Is there some decent games for an OSRS player?

RuneScape is basically the only mmorpg I've played for a significant amount of time. I really love RuneScape but I'm just bored of it. I want something. It does not technically need to buy RS3 gold be an mmorpg but when it is I am not a huge fan of theme park games or games which perform like wow. I enjoy the openness of runescape and being able to set my own goals.