If you are an owner of a tech site or blog then you already know that next to porn the biggest market on the internet is Technology. There are a lot of searches everyday for technology related terms and many tech blogs and sites are out there offering a wealth of information and opportunity for their webmasters.

The problem for tech webmasters is that viewers of technology sites are often blind to ads and just focus on the articles or news that they are reading. Most people will tell you that if you have a story dug you will likely not be able to make any money off all of that traffic because Digg users are "ad blind".

There are many factors to think about tech news blog when monetizing your blog but I thought that a list of tips that you can focus on and implement in the next hour would probably be the best thing that I could offer so here they are:

1. Don't use Google AdSense at all

If there is any type of advertising that tech people are actually blind to it has got to be AdSense. We see AdSense ads everywhere and usually the exact same ads because the topics we will look at are similar. Don't waste the space on your site with this.