NOC code is the number the job is listed under in Canada’s official job classification system. Most Professions have been classified in this list.

The NOC code is a four-digit number that represents important information that helps classify the occupation.

For immigration purposes, the main job groups are:

Skill Type 0: Management jobs

Skill Level A: Professional jobs that usually call for a degree from a university.

Skill Level B: Technical jobs and skilled trades that ask for a college diploma or training.

Skill Level C: intermediate jobs that usually call for high school and/or job-specific training

Skill Level D: labor jobs that usually give on-the-job training.

The Canadian immigration programs use the NOC to decide whether a job or type of work experience meets their eligibility.

If you apply as a skilled worker, find your job title, code and skill type in the NOC.

If you want to move to Canada as a skilled immigrant (Express Entry), then your job and the work you have done in the past, must be skill type 0, or level A or B to use Express Entry.

If your job is skill level C or D, then you may be able to Immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee (all skill types).



At Novus Canada, we have a fully licensed, knowledgeable and experienced team of RCICs, who can assist in your journey to Canada - whether you want to work, study in or immigrate to Canada. Complete our online assessment form and let us take care of all the fine print while finalize your plans to live and work in Canada.

Check your NOC now.

The Express Entry System manages applications for permanent residence if you want be considered as a Federal Skilled Worker under the Federal Skilled Worker/Trades Program or under the Canadian Experience Class.

The Immigration programs that are work based depend on these NOC codes to decide which jobs are to filled by Temporary or permanent residents. The Canadian government uses the NOC system to determine the skill shortages and find out which workers will contribute highly to the economy.