For the problem of excessively large particle size in the production of ultrafine vertical mill, it may be caused by spring wear or excessive gap between the spring and the high-pressure plate. Therefore, the spring needs to be replaced or adjusted, and the spring and the high-pressure plate The gap is generally kept between 15-20 mm;
The bearing heating problem in the production of ultrafine vertical mill generally requires lubrication or replacement of the bearing, and the tightness of the upper cover must be moderate;
The point: For the abnormal vibration in the production of ultra-fine mills, it may be caused by the size of the feed or uneven wear, unbalanced grinding rolls, improper foundation treatment, etc., so you only need to ensure that the feed size is appropriate And to replace the worn parts to ensure the stability of the foundation, such as checking and strengthening the anchor bolts.
The content of high-quality and daily maintenance mentioned above is more detailed, so customers only need to choose high-quality equipment and maintain ultrafine vertical mill in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements to ensure that ultrafine vertical mill brings good production benefits to the production process.