Whether you are doing weight training or cardio, there are some tips that can help you on how to keep track of workouts. One important factor that is often overlooked is keeping a log of your daily exercises. You need to be able to document how many calories you are burning and how long you are exercising for. Many people make the mistake of only keeping track of the number of repetitions they do. This is a very important aspect of how to keep track of workouts.


The type of exercise that you do is another very important area. If you want to know how to keep track of workouts, then you should also keep track of what type of exercise you are doing. There are a variety of different types of exercises that you can do to help you with your weight training or cardio routine.


In order to know how to keep track of workouts you will need to write down exactly what you are doing each day. This may sound simple, but in actual fact it is much harder than it seems. First of all, you do not want to jot down every single step, movement, and exercise that you do. You will end up forgetting some of them, or just putting too much on. Write down everything you do if you really want to know how to keep track of workouts. Keep a small index card so you can easily find what you are looking for.


Keeping track of workouts is also important because you will be able to see where you went right and where you went wrong. For example, if you have a really slow start to an exercise then it is important to know how to keep track of workouts so you can get back on the right track as soon as possible. If you are beginning an exercise routine, then you should try to do the most amount of repetitions as you are able to. Overloading your muscles is counterproductive to what you are trying to accomplish. Once you reach a plateau then start increasing the number of repetitions you are doing. Doing this will keep you on track and will help you get to where you need to go quickly.


When learning how to keep track of workouts you should record your goals as well. Write down your goal when you complete a workout, along with how many calories you burned, and the time it took for you to complete the workout. You will be surprised how much time you waste at the gym simply by trying to guess at how much you did. Write down your goals when you complete a workout and then write down how long it took you to achieve each goal. You will be amazed how much time you waste running from one room to another when you don't have a clear idea of how long the next step is.


Overall, keeping track of your workouts is very important if you want to succeed. It is a very common misconception that if you do not have time to workout then you do not have time to keep track of workouts. This is not true however; if you want to make sure you are getting the most out of your workouts you must be strict about keeping track of them. If you do not have the discipline to keep track of your workouts than you will probably never achieve your fitness goals. Even if you are in great shape now, there is no guarantee that you will remain in great shape in the future.