A graph of processed units per hour against average defect number

The widget processing company or business in the service industry applies six sigma project which aim to improve the speed of processing speed while reducing the number of defects. It assumes that when the number of average defects per hour is minimized, the organization enjoys maximized profits; the number of average defects is inverse to the financial output of the business.

The processing speed per hour is inverse to the average number of defects from 300-500. The relation of the two variables is almost linear. As units processed per hour increase from 300-500, the average number of defects decreases from 50 to 40. Assuming that the business uses the visualization toolkit for the widget processing, integrated user interfaces of Kitware developer such as Java, Python, and TK among others work efficiently with increasing processing speed which is capped at 500 units per hour from 300 per hour. The developer's team also has an increasing efficiency with speed till 500 limits. The unit time for one widget process is inverse to the defect numbers probability. The unit time that gives the highest speed and the least number of defects is 1hour/500: 0.002 or 7.2 seconds. However, when the process speed exceeds 500, the defects number starts increasing the speed. The new relation between the speed of the process and the number of defects can be explained by two-factor changes. First, the integrated user interfaces of the widgets such as Python are not given enough processing time thus a high probability of failure. Second, the staff has less control of the process as the processing speed increase resulting in raised number of defects with speed from 500-800 widgets per hour. The highest average defects per hour are 95 and correspond to the 800 per hour widget production. The best speed that leads to the lowest widget defects and highest profits is 500 widgets/hour.

Cause and Effect Diagram

Moving from one office another with a distance of a kilometer may result in a series of problems. Fishbone diagram or the cause-and-effect diagram is the most appropriate method for the identification of potential office challenges and their impacts as well as clarification of moving challenges and their effects on the movement.

Diagram 2

Fishbone diagram of office movement


The procedures of moving from the old office to the new one shown on the fishbone diagram above are discussed below. All the movement procedures should be undertaken with professionalism and care.

Planning to move from the old office to a new one should be done early enough to allow alterations when necessary. The planning should involve three scenarios, namely optimistic, baseline, and pessimistic. The optimistic scenario should involve the best moving conditions whereas the baseline should be based on the ground estimation, and the last should predict the worst moving situations. All documents involved in planning should be secure. The plan scenarios should involve costs and schedules. All scenarios should detail the moving companies that are involved and their conditions. The planned schedules should allow overlap time. The scenarios should detail condition in the new offices. The causes of challenges in planning for office moving include general planning and budgeting constraints such as limited funds, implicit assumption of the movement conditions, minimal or no knowledge of the new offices and building, lack of commitment in the planning procedure, and uncooperative planning team among others.

The second procedure is preparing the old offices for the move. It should involve informing the owner of the house and paying the aliases as well as repaying destroyed equipment and assets. In addition, it should involve exchanging the gate locks (external doors), cleaning and tidying the old office, applying paints on the walls, and repairing broken permanent furniture and windows among other preparations. The problems that may arise include ignoring the rules of the old office and real estate movement policies, not involving the parties required, inappropriate planning, and poor communication among others.

The third step in the movement to the new office is to prepare it. Before anything can be moved in the new office, it should be fixed according to the plan. Some of the tasks that can prepare the new office include painting, tiling, constructing semi-permanent walls and offices, cleaning, and furniture fixing. The new offices should be inspected, and any changes/upgrades should be planned and fixed before moving. Causes of problems in the procedure include poor communication with the new landlord/lady, failure or poor office design plan, and unpredicted demands.

The fourth step in the movement is to ensure that employees are aware of their duties in the movement. The procedure involves identifying delegations in the schedule, setting clear aims of each employee, assigning duties depending on the ability of the team, ensuring micro management of the involved tasks, mounting consequences upon objective failure, and applying movement feedback loops for the efficient future tasks. The major causes of the problems in this step include insufficient communication, less preparation time for the employees, poor employee’s attention, unclear instruction, poor relationships between the employees and the managers, poor planning, lack of employee’s motivations, and poor management skills.

The fifth step is to handle the financial arrangements associated with office moving. They include practices that should be ensured when paying the expenses involved with moving office. The step assumes using original invoices, explicit invoice study for discounts if available, w-9 accompanied payments, ensuring correlation between invoice numbers and payments, specific invoice entry, applying good relations with the external participants and timely payments. The main reasons for challenges are improper planning, insufficient budget, financial fraud, new policies and norms in the aspect of transport, lack of knowledge in financial management, and others.

The sixth step is to handle the contractual which involves informing the law and the headquarters about the movement. The following are contractual basics that should be ensured for efficient movement. First, contract sources should be established that allows efficient office program. Second, they should involve well-organized statement, supervision, and definition of metrics. Third, they should ensure well-organized learning and audits of movement contracts between the business and the old and new building owners. Finally, an average Workflow should be produced that is aimed at Cooperative Concession of Agreements. Challenges arise due to lack of proper communication and unsettled contracts and new office requirements such as licenses.

The final step is to arrange the transportation, packing, and unpacking. The office team and hired team should cooperate effectively. The supervisors and the team should work together to ensure the cheapest approach of the involved activities. The transportation company should have the best and appropriate facilities. The packages should be properly labeled for easy unpacking. All the necessary assets should be packed. Unpacking should involve pre-planning to determine the place of each device as well as furniture and the procedure of installing. The main challenges in the final steps include the destruction of furniture, schedule crashing, unplanned costs, miscommunication with the crew involved, mishandling, and inappropriate packing and unpacking procedures.

About the author: Alisa Parker is a master in Literature at the University of Massachusetts. She is currently working as one of the best writers at response essay writing service She also studies male psychology.