1980s Hollywood decade saw the rise of action films, also witnessed the Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Adolf Lenglen and Steven Seagal and other legendary tough guy Appear. Viewers in droves to see the performances of these heavyweights, both make money and this groundbreaking era, helped shape the image of the hero. Whether it is fighting the terrorists, fighting with aliens, or in the duel between similar, action star and movie are so fascinated the audience, let them fidget.
The protagonist of many action movies are athletic, muscular figure, when Hollywood began to try less conventional heroic image refreshing. It can be said action movie history is the most reluctant hero John MacLean himself. 1988 release of "Die Hard," a release swept the audience, by focusing on a flawed and fragile hero, the kind of movie renewed vigor. The movie reviews break the routine, it received $ 140 million in a huge box office receipts, consolidated Bruce Willis (Bruce Willis) position as a heavyweight action movie actor, and won four Oscar nominations.
Although there are so many iconic 1980s action movie reviews, "Die Hard" is unparalleled magic. This hot movie spawned four sequels, the total gross profit of more than $ 1.4 billion.
Let's take a closer look at the best ever 80s action movie reviews.
Unconventional hero
John MacLean had the image of a common man, is a reluctant hero and unconventional. This role is not a muscular big head, but resonate with more people by Bruce Willis (Bruce Willis) to play. MacLean just an ordinary person, he pushed a strange situation to the next, forcing him to stand up and save the world. He is a very easy to cause resonance of the protagonist, though not perfect, but also very fragile; McLean is not an unstoppable force, he does bleed and hurt. Unlike other invincible movie counterparts, he realized his morality, and do everything to avoid impending death.
Only you can rely on
Obviously, John McLean and others did not get along well, he blatant disregard for authority to accept the help of no interest. When things get dangerous, he has no assistant or assistant can step in and help. And "Lethal Weapon" series, Mel Gibson and Danny Glover This is different for dynamic duo, John MacLean knows he can only rely on their own, no one else will leap out to help.
Redefine the action villain
"Die Hard" is not only the world was introduced to a more general male hero, but it also redefines the action villain look. Before the movie was released, many films of opponents either bland, easily forgotten, or too weird. The late, great Alan Rickman (Alan Rickman), played by Hans Gruber (Hans Gruber) does not belong to these two types of people; instead are cunning and strategic action at every step. Gruber is a skilled thief and highly intellectual, John MacLean's perfect foil.
Changed the Hollywood action routines
On "Die Hard" everything is interesting and entertaining, it does help define the word summer blockbusters. Plot itself is quite simple: The story revolves around a New York police detective, he stumbled upon the terrorists occupied a skyscraper in Los Angeles. The main premise of the story overwhelmingly concentrated in a controlled environment, this model was later copied movies and film series and imitation lots of action. Many movies, such as "under siege", "Air Force One," "Con Air" and "Mount Olympus fall" have followed the "Die Hard" routine.