A lot of people wonder what the differences are between Drupal and PHP, especially if they’re hiring an ecommerce developer, drupal developer, or php developer. The two are technically similar, but there are some key differences that can affect how you implement them in your next project. Here’s an overview of how Drupal and PHP compare and contrast, so you can make an informed decision when you’re hiring ecommerce developers, drupal developers, or php developers to help you build your next site or application.


Difference 1 - Database Platform

Drupal is run on MySQL, a relational database management system. PHP is run on SQLite, an object-relational database management system. What does that mean? The relational part of RDBMS means all records are linked by foreign keys to ensure consistency; it's not just a file or set of files, but rather a collection of objects that point to each other. Object-Relational simply means they're organised in tables like an ORM (object-relational mapping) language would be organised.


Difference 2 - Built-in Web Server

All of these web development languages have a built-in webserver to host your site. This makes it easy to develop and test locally, but all three of them need some sort of external tool to serve a live website in production (i.e., once you’re ready to make your site live for real). Because each language has its own set of tools, you should make sure to understand which option is best for your needs. For example, Node’s built-in web server is called Node.js while Python has its own called WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface). Rubyists can choose between several options such as Thin or Unicorn.

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Difference 3 - Code Style

Since both use curly braces, they share a similar code style. However, Drupal uses two spaces to indent each line while PHP uses four (this is a common debate among programmers; some favor two while others favor four). This difference makes it easier for developers who know how to code in one language but not another. It also makes it easier for those with limited technical knowledge to pick up on PHP quickly. With that said, however, there are some differences between Drupal's coding style and those used by other languages like C++ or JavaScript.


Difference 4 - Object Orientation

Drupal is object-oriented, meaning that it's a series of objects that work together to create a fully functional system. A programmer can write code for one small section of Drupal and know that, when integrated with other components, it will continue to work well with other parts of the site. This allows for a lot more flexibility than websites that aren't object-oriented because, instead of having modules work independently from each other (and possibly conflicting), developers can build new functionality into existing portions of their sites much more easily. Additionally, programmers in different areas can each focus on their own objects without worrying about interfering with or being interfered by another part of the system.


Difference 5 - Routing

With WordPress, all URLs are static; they don’t change. With Drupal, you can control your URLs via a set of Routing rules (this can be handy if you ever want to move to a non-WordPress host or build a mobile app). It also allows you to use permalinks like /about/blogging or /jobs. These aren’t necessities, but they make it much easier for visitors to find your content.

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Difference 6 - Namespacing

Namespacing is a vital concept when working with object-oriented code. In fact, it’s so important that we didn’t even touch on it in our object-oriented programming tutorial. With namespacing, you can keep your classes separate from other classes so that they don’t conflict with each other. It sounds much more complicated than it really is; basically, you just have to add a prefix to your class names when creating them (examples: wp_plugin_instance or wpexample_display_widget). Just make sure all of your classes include their namespace at the beginning of their name!


Difference 7 - ORM

ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a tool or technique that allows developers to work with relational databases using object-oriented programming principles. You can use an ORM tool or technique when you need to convert data between tables in a database. This allows you to use object-oriented code and design techniques, instead of writing SQL code. There is also a reverse process, sometimes called Object-Relational Extraction (ORE), which translates an in-memory object representation into a query that can be sent to a database. Another benefit of ORMs is that they often provide common business logic for saving and updating records, without having to write custom code for each table.


Difference 8 - Caching System

Drupal, compared to other frameworks such as Joomla or Magento has one of the best caching systems. It is easy to install and use, a definite plus if you aren’t tech-savvy. This can speed up your site significantly. Another feature which makes Drupal so popular is its flexibility. You can change its appearance easily, with great drag-and-drop features, similar to using Windows or Mac OS X in that regard. However, for more specialized sites you may need custom modifications which will result in hiring a drupal developer . What Are The Benefits Of Using An Ecommerce Developer For Your Online Store ? The costs involved with an ecommerce store can add up fast – especially if you don’t know what you’re doing.


Difference 9 - Development Community (Huge)

If you’re looking to hire an ecommerce developer, hire a drupal developer, or hire a php developer, it’s important to note that developers tend to flock towards certain platforms. While they may have other skills/languages they use on occasion, most experts will be very comfortable working with one or two platforms as opposed to being well-versed in many. This is mainly due to communities. It’s easier for developers to learn something new when there is a thriving community around that platform—and it gets easier every day as open-source development becomes more mainstream.


Difference 10 - Staying Power

Drupal is a dynamic web development platform that runs over 20% of all websites on the internet. It allows for easy updates to be made from one centralised location, or multiple locations if necessary. And even when there is a problem, most problems can be fixed by making changes in one location instead of multiple locations. This allows you to spend less time working on bugs and more time adding content to your website.
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