The invention of assembly line production has brought about a slew of benefits, but it has also brought about a number of significant drawbacks, some of which are listed below. The vast majority of the benefits of this technology are cost savings and improved homogeneity of finished products, which account for the vast majority of the benefits. As a result of increased profit margins, consumers may be able to purchase items that are more affordable, easier to repair, and more durable. A lower level of build quality, rigid or inflexible production facilities, and a significantly higher initial capital expenditure are all drawbacks that are frequently associated with this method of mass production. In addition, this type of production is frequently associated with dull or repetitive activities, and workers may have difficulty maintaining their enthusiasm as a result.

For a long time before the assembly line was invented, the only viable options for manufacturing were less efficient techniques such as cottage industries and handicrafts. However, while these procedures frequently resulted in the production of high-quality items, the costs associated with their production were also significant in many cases. Each product was also distinct in its own way, which could cause complications if the product needed to be repaired or replaced. A large number of these issues have been addressed and resolved as a result of assembly line production's requirement for the production of extremely uniform items at a rapid pace. When it comes to automobile manufacturing, for example, the production strategy employed has driven the price of automobiles down to a level at which the working class can afford to purchase them.

In manufacturing, the use of assembly lines eliminated many of the disadvantages of previous systems, but it also brought with it a new set of difficulties. As previously stated, one of the primary disadvantages of this strategy is the large initial financial investment required to establish a manufacturing facility. The result could be the accumulation of a significant amount of capital over a prolonged period of time as the factory works towards becoming profitable. Another issue that is connected to this is the fact that assembly lines are often not easily or inexpensively modified to produce other goods, which can result in a degree of inflexibility on the part of the manufacturer. Another issue that is connected to this is the fact that assembly lines are often not readily or inexpensively modified to produce other goods.

The monotony of the task may cause problems with employees in assembly line production, which is a common occurrence in the industry. Many assembly line  are designed in such a fragmented manner that each worker is expected to repeat a single operation over and over again, raising concerns about employee motivation. Because of the efficiency of assembly lines, one worker or a robot may be able to perform the tasks of several others, which may result in a reduction in the overall number of jobs in the manufacturing industry.