Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia. It is connected to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan from all four directions. Uzbekistan is more important than California. The country ranks 42nd in terms of population. Its capital is Tashkent. Its native language is Uzbek. 90% of its population is Muslim, 5% Christian and the other 5% belong to other religions. The people of Uzbekistan are well educated and take education as a necessity in life.

Students from abroad also come here to study. Many students in Uzbekistan are attracted to MBBS. This country offers a unique environment for study. The transport services of the countries are well managed and very convenient for everyone. Uzbekistan is a cultural and historical country.

For thousands of Indian medical professionals, Uzbekistan is one of the preferred countries for MBBS abroad at reasonable tuition fees. Some of the reasons why medical enthusiasts should study MBBS in Uzbekistan are:

Accredited and accredited by major medical institutions such as the Medical Council of India (MCI), the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS), the International Medical Education and Research Advances Foundation (FAIMER), the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) and the best medical universities in Uzbekistan. / Certified and other accredited institutions and students graduating from these universities are eligible to apply for the Medical Licensing Examination in any country of the world.

Eligibility- Indian medical aspirants wishing to study MBBS in Uzbekistan must pass NEET and no other entrance examination required to join the top medical universities in Uzbekistan.

NEET is a common entrance test for every Indian citizen who wants to study MBBS in India and abroad. Applicants should pass the examination with 50 and 40 per cent marks for general and reserved categories respectively.

Possible study- The quality of education at the best medical universities in Uzbekistan is very affordable for higher education.

Sophisticated Infrastructure- Medical universities in Uzbekistan are fully equipped with the latest technologies, technological advances, laboratories and libraries that are used to train and educate medical students to one day become the best physicians.

No Donation- Students do not have to pay extra or donate to get admission in the best medical universities in Uzbekistan.

In addition to encouraging students to participate in various seminars, seminars or workshops, universities have a number of course activities and games to keep students physically, mentally and physically active.

Extracurricular Activities- Universities have a number of extracurricular activities and sports that not only encourage students to participate in various seminars, seminars or workshops, but also to keep students physically, mentally, and physically active.

Renowned Career- Medical cycles conducted by medical universities help prepare students to practice medicine worldwide.