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  • What is Bounce Rate Formula?
    Bounce rate is a key metric that measures the percentage of visitors who abandoned your website immediately after visiting the first page. The visitors are said to ‘bounce’ as they land the website and leave quickly. While this key metric seems to tell you only about the %age of the visitors who bounce your website, you need to dig deeper to understand what more does it imply. Keep...
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  • When you scale a PPC campaign the biggest challenge is to manage it efficiently and effectively. You have to make sure you do not miss any opportunity that could lead to a conversion. Sometimes you can find the opportunities on the very superficial level and that is easy but most of the time they are buried deep in the data that is hard to investigate. For this purpose, you need an intelligent <a href="https://ppcexpo.com/blog/ppc-analysis-tool">ppc analysis</a> tools.
    When you scale a PPC campaign the biggest challenge is to manage it efficiently and effectively. You have to make sure you do not miss any opportunity that could lead to a conversion. Sometimes you can find the opportunities on the very superficial level and that is easy but most of the time they are buried deep in the data that is hard to investigate. For this purpose, you need an intelligent <a href="https://ppcexpo.com/blog/ppc-analysis-tool">ppc analysis</a> tools.
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  • What is used to create smart goals?
    What is used to create smart goals?
    What Is Used To Create Smart Goals?
    Smart goal is for smart business owners. With the presence of AI and machine learning, tracking of goals by examining dozens of signals is possible now.
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