Design trends are often driven by the popularity of mobile devices and apps, which require simplicity and user experience that users can quickly process and enjoy. Let’s take a look at UI/UX trends to see how you can use it in your next web or mobile application project!


While there are many factors that influence a user’s opinion of an app, there is one that can be 100% under your control: typography. We’ve put together a list of current trends and tips for designing apps that have intuitive, beautiful interfaces—helping you retain more users and ultimately make more money.


When creating an app for a smartphone, implementing animations can be great for user experience. Animations help move users through different sections of your application and can keep things feeling fresh and new. It’s important to ensure that you aren’t overusing animation, however. It’s easy to get carried away with transitions that make it difficult for users to complete their tasks without getting distracted or confused by all of these flashy bells and whistles.


Studies show that using a large amount of color throughout an interface can be distracting. In fact, it has been reported that 80% of information transmitted to our brain is visual, so designing with too many colors could potentially make your product or website less effective. Use tonal variation over saturation—for example, different shades of a color or complimentary colors.


The ultimate goal of any application is user satisfaction, which requires building a usable and efficient product. Many people focus on flashy features and pretty graphics, but usability is far more important. If it’s not easy for users to find their way around your software, they won’t be able to figure out how it works, let alone appreciate its beauty. A good designer knows that attractive visuals don’t matter if you can’t comprehend them.

Big Headlines

Big, bold headlines not only catch our attention but also make a lasting impression. When used sparingly, they can be quite effective at boosting click-through rates and encouraging user engagement with your content. Overall, well-crafted headlines will take any piece of content from good to great—and let’s face it: If you want more people to read what you write, then you need great headlines!

Transparency & Blurred Backgrounds

While it’s common practice to make text and buttons pop on a light background, there’s an increasing number of designers embracing transparency and blurred backgrounds in their work. This trend is known as translucency, and it lends a more organic aesthetic than traditional bright colors. Translucency adds depth and dimensionality that draws users into an interface.

Small Dots, Icons, Labels and Shapes

Getting rid of big, fat buttons and using small dots, icons, labels and shapes instead can be a lot more effective. With bigger buttons you need more space because it takes longer for your fingers to find them (and even after finding them users still have a tendency to miss). The result is that apps with big buttons might not look all that great or at least not user-friendly.


If you’re looking for a way to improve your apps and make them more popular, check out these trends. They provide visual interest and improve usability by using clear language and consistent design elements. You don’t need a ton of extra icons or fancy designs—these simple techniques will help you create an experience that users can easily navigate from start to finish. Looking for amazing mobile app design with good user interfaces, hire a UI/UX design company like Peppersquare that offers high quality mobile app design and mobile app development services


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