There has been a lot of advancement in the field of Technology, the development of versatile mobile-friendly apps has always been a standard in this field. When it comes to running businesses, companies and organizations prefer to use their phones and tablets instead of desktop or laptop computers more often. This is the main reason why companies and organizations are looking forward to searching for a new technology that would help them create robust and scalable applications with ease and flexibility. This is the main reason why many organizations and developers prefer to use react JS development services for building their applications, especially for the web environment.


If you search for the best technology that helped you deliver applications with ease, stop hear. look no further than the react JS framework. This is the technology that you are looking for or that will not only help you to build existing applications and maintain them but also help you to create applications with ease and flexibility. Doing this will not only help you to increase your return on investment but also attract more customers and visitors to your website and web application. This is one of the reasons that you need to hire a web developer specializing in react JS for developing your web application.


Here are the steps to create a new application that makes use of React JS


STEP 1: Install ReactJS:

You need to type the following instructions into the visual display unit.


  • npm install -g create-react-app
  • create-react-app we-react-app


Initialize and start the following project with the command:


  • npm start


STEP 2: Setup a new account to be used by the service worker

Service workers function as an intermediary of the middle man between the app and the network infrastructure. You must use of service worker in order to capture the data network requests and also help to cache the service data. Service workers allow your website to keep it up and running even if your system is down or has failed due to some reason. Moreover, react JS provides a single register worker.js file in the source folder. You need to create a blank service-worker.js file in the public folder to get started.

In the HTML file, you need to make sure, that your HTML code supports the service worker code.

Once we have designed the code for the service worker-run it in the browser panel, and you will get a message something that says service worker registration successful. 

If you need help, then you can contact us to hire react JS developer to help you with your dress code.


STEP 3: Notifying the browser that you are using a web application

You need to create some code that is able to tell the browser that it is just another web application, but it is a web application designed using react JS. How in the HTML index file and the following code to the head element.


<meta name= “ mobile-web-app-capable ” content =” yes ”>


STEP 4: Creating a Few Bootstrap React JS components

To run your project you need to add a bootstrap component to your project. Ensure that we use a CDN that has a result it will include the URL of the index file which is the HTML file that we just created. Create a component folder insert into as source folder as well.

Link your bootstrap component using a meta tag and the link tag.

Inside the components folder, build a new component called Navbar.js

Now inside the app.js file and the Navbar.js component.

You need to create a component called Content.JS file inside the components folder. to conclude you will develop a critical component that is powered by the web application.

And that's it you have created a react JS application.


Conclusion: React JS is indeed a formidable Framework that helps businesses build rich web applications with ease and flexibility. Hire react JS developer to create your application that will power your projects and take your business to new Heights. You can Hire Reactjs Developer if you are looking for Reactjs Web Application Development.