Companies in different industries are experiencing a scarcity of blue-collar workers. Recent studies have shown that different industries should expect difficulties with filling blue-collar positions in 202 and beyond.
The terms “blue-collar” and “white-collar” distinguish employees who perform manual labor from workers who perform professional jobs in the office.
People see blue-collar work as “hard” and “dirty,” and this perception has discouraged many job-seekers from considering blue-collar work.
For these reasons, it’s essential to improve HR best practices for companies that employ blue-collar workers. Here are the three ways to enhance blue-collar employee retention.
Provide a Competitive Salary
There's no doubt that the Blue-collar workforce serves as the foundation of all labor industries. With the current scenario of blue-collar worker shortage experienced by these industries, it becomes quite essential for individual companies to provide competitive salaries and benefits for the blue-collar workforce.
Managing blue-collar workers is not easy. To reduce the friction in the employment process of blue-collar workers, Saprootz has developed a platform for managing blue collar workers, which is a tech enabled platform and offers powerful features like skill assessment, personality assessment, and E-learning programs.
Add Non-Monetary Benefits and Perks
Yes, it is difficult to work with a tight budget, and payment delays are expected in different industries. If paying higher wages isn’t possible, you can provide non-monetary benefits to blue-collar workers.
It may include:
Flexible work hours
Paid vacations
Affordable health insurance
Different opportunities for career growth
Even little things like free coffee and free parking can work wonders and make employees happy.
Improve Work Safety
Blue-collar jobs have some of the most challenging and most dangerous working environments. For example, employees working in the oil industry on offshore rigs or in construction on skyscrapers are exposed to very real dangers.
For these reasons, companies should focus on creating safe working conditions for blue-collar workers to ensure their safety and make them feel valued. Employees should feel like management care for them and invests in their safety.