When it comes to games, it is impossible to ignore these special games:

1: kogama squid

2: Slope 2

3: Slope 3

4: Tiny fishing 

5: stickman fighter

6: basketball stars

A special feature of the television blockbuster Squid Game that makes many viewers excited is the fact that the film installs a lot of "hints", revealing stories to reveal the ending. Not only the fate of the characters, but even the "final boss" of the film has been revealed many times by the producer before being revealed in the final episode. Here are 6 times this character was intentionally spoiled, just waiting for the audience to realize!

1. The doll didn't scan player 001, in the first episode, it was already "revealing" like this!
A very logical (but easy to spot) point in Squid Game episode 1 is when the "killer doll" Young Hee is scanning the players' movements. If everyone is covered with a blue layer, the old man 001 is not so dark. Even the players standing around him were not scanned by the doll, indicating that the old man had received a "kill card" from the game in this round.

2. The riot was stopped for a moment when the old man spoke up - he's the one with the right!
In episode 4, a riot, chaos between players broke out. This is also the intention of the game organizers. While the characters all rushed to kill and attack each other, the old man 001 chose to hide safely. Then he climbed onto the highest bed and cried out in agony, begging everyone to stop. Hearing that call for help, the black-robed administrator also ordered the melee to stop. This detail is quite "indiscreet", making many viewers suspicious.

3. The handsome policeman couldn't find 001's profile when he opened the document
Another detail only for the "saints" is when the policeman Jun Ho opened the archive of documents about Squid Game players. When opening the brochure of the ongoing season, Jun Ho saw that the first page was player 002. The reason for not seeing player 001 profile was because... it was the "final boss". This episode passes very quickly and is faint, you have to look closely to see it.

4. When the old man wet his bed because he was too scared, if you look closely, you will see a suspicious object next to it!
In episode 5, many viewers probably remember the scene when old man 001 used a blanket to cover his wet pants due to bed wetting. This is a touching detail, many emotions for the viewer. However, if you look to the side of the old man, you will see an empty water bottle.

This passage can be understood in two ways. Either the old man really wet his bed because he was too scared, or he purposely poured water on his pants to make the male lead Gi Hun feel sorry for him, and at the same time evaluate how he would behave.