A drug rehab is a place where someone who is struggling with substance abuse issues can seek help. The problem of drug abuse is growing all over the world, and it is affecting the younger generation in particular. Drug abuse is an epidemic and can destroy a person's life if not treated properly. Selangor is no different - it is a city that has a growing drug problem.

80% success rate

According to a recent study, 80% of people who receive drug rehabilitation in Selangor have completed their rehab programme successfully. The success rate is determined by how long the program has been running. Those who complete the program for less than 90 days do not have any improved outcomes, whereas those who complete the program for three years or more have lower relapse rates. This statistic is encouraging for people who want to get a clean slate and start a new life free from drugs and alcohol.

The process of drug rehabilitation involves a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment methods. During inpatient treatment, the patient stays in a closed environment for a period of time, where he or she is under medical supervision for withdrawal symptoms. During the outpatient phase, he or she is allowed to transition back to daily life while undergoing therapy sessions, counseling, and learning how to prevent relapse. The program may also offer dual diagnosis treatment, which helps the patient treat their addiction and mental health disorders simultaneously.

Those who complete outpatient treatment remain in the program for an average of 81 days. Those who stay for 90 days, however, were five times as likely to stay abstinent. The treatment period is important because long-term treatment is often required in order to cure the addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends a minimum of 90 days of rehabilitation for most people with addiction problems.


The costs of drug rehab in Selangor can vary greatly depending on the type of treatment you are seeking. A 12-week inpatient program, for example, will cost anywhere from $42,000 to $54,600, depending on the type of facility you choose. A 30-day program, on the other hand, will cost about $10,000 to $13,500. In general, longer treatment plans will save you money.

The standard cost for an addiction treatment program in a drug rehab in Selangor ranges from $14,000 to $27,000. Outpatient treatment is generally cheaper, ranging from free to $500 per session. Most drug and alcohol rehab facilities offer standard rooms, with a comfortable bed, bathroom, and enough room for personal items. Some facilities also have swimming pools and can accommodate animals.

A private facility hosting a long-term treatment program will have a minimum starting price of $20,000. Inpatient rehabs generally have an admission fee of $3,000 to $4,000. Many centers also offer drug detoxification, which is an important part of the treatment process. It will help the addict get rid of the toxins in their system and eliminate the dependency on drugs. The costs of an inpatient drug rehab Selangor depend on whether the patient is an inpatient or outpatient, but a day at a high-quality center will average around $525.

Treatment options

There are a number of treatment options available for people with addictions. The type you choose depends on the level of addiction you have and your individual needs. A clinical assessment will determine which treatment option is best for you. Treatment may involve medications, therapy, and group support. You will be treated by professionals who will help you overcome your addiction.

Patients at both government and private centers come from a range of different backgrounds. In the government centers, they are mostly Malays, while the private facilities focus on people of different ethnicities. The majority of government patients are women and from families with two incomes. Private rehab patients are more likely to be businessmen and civil servants.

Behavioral therapy focuses on identifying the causes of addiction and coping with underlying issues. It can be especially beneficial if a patient has co-occurring mental illnesses. Dialectical therapy is another treatment option, and it targets severe mental illnesses in conjunction with substance use disorders. It helps the recovering addict improve their self-esteem and remove triggers.

Prevalence of drug addiction in Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are several factors that influence the prevalence of drug addiction. First, the country is highly diverse, comprising people of different races, ethnicities, and religions. The three largest groups are Malays, Chinese, and Indians. The Malays, as a group, make up the majority of the country's population. The Chinese, however, comprise nearly 30% of the country's population. The Indians, who make up the remaining 20%, account for about a quarter of the country's total population.

The Centre's study found that the recidivism rate of drug addicts is on the rise, with a rise from nine per cent in 2015 to eleven per cent in 2019. This trend was reflected in the number of drug relapse cases. The Centre's findings suggest that Malaysians need to become more accepting of drug users, recognizing the mental and physical factors that contribute to addiction.

During the years between 2012 and 2016, there has been a significant increase in the number of adolescent substance users. According to a study conducted by the National Anti-Drug Agency and IPH, there were more than 188,000 cases of licit and illicit drug use among youths in Malaysia in 2016. The findings suggest that the prevalence of drug use among adolescents is higher than that of non-smokers. However, it is unclear whether this is due to a higher prevalence of drug addiction in the country or if these numbers are under-reported. Large representative surveys of the population will be needed to determine the prevalence of drug addiction in Malaysia.