An intercom system is a communication tool that allows people to speak to each other over a distance. Aiphone Intercoms can be used in homes, businesses, and other settings where people need to communicate with each other. There are two main types of intercom systems: wired and wireless. Wired intercom systems use cables to connect the different parts of the system, while wireless intercom systems use radio waves to transmit signals between each other. 


Intercom systems have been around for centuries, with the first ones being used in the military to communicate between ships. In the 19th century, telephone companies began using intercoms to route calls between operators. Today, intercoms are used in a variety of settings, from schools and hospitals to office buildings and factories.


Intercom systems typically consist of a master station and one or more slave stations. The master station is the central control point for the system, and it is typically located in a convenient location such as a front desk or lobby. The slave stations are located in other areas of the building, and they allow people to communicate with the master station. 


There are many advantages of having an intercom system installed, and the following list details the most important ones.


Improved security

With an intercom system, you can screen visitors before letting them into your building. This is a great way to improve security and deter potential intruders.


Enhanced communication

Intercom systems can help improve communication between employees, customers, and visitors. This is especially helpful in large businesses or organizations where it can be difficult to track down someone.


Reduced costs

An intercom system can save you money on things like phone calls and postage. With an intercom system, you can make announcements or deliver messages without having to use the phone or send out mail.


Increased productivity

Intercom systems can help increase productivity by allowing employees to communicate without having to leave their workstations. This can save a lot of time and help get things done more efficiently.


Improved safety

Intercom systems can improve safety by allowing people to quickly and easily call for help in an emergency.



Intercom systems are very convenient, especially for businesses that receive a lot of visitors. With an intercom system, you can buzz people in from anywhere in the building, so you don't have to waste time walking to the door to let them in.


Reduced noise pollution

Intercom systems can help reduce noise pollution by eliminating the need for people to shout or use loudspeakers. This is especially beneficial in office environments where noise can be a distraction.


Better customer service

Intercom systems can help improve customer service by allowing you to quickly and easily communicate with customers or clients. This can help resolve issues more efficiently and make sure everyone is happy with the final product or service.


Easy installation

Intercom systems are relatively easy to install, so you won't have to spend a lot of time or money on the installation process.



Intercom systems are very expandable, so you can add additional features or components as your needs change.



Intercom systems are also very scalable, so you can easily adjust the size of the system to accommodate more people or a larger area.



Intercom systems are very flexible, so you can customize them to meet your specific needs.



Intercom systems are compatible with a variety of different devices, so you won't have to worry about compatibility issues.



Intercom systems are very portable, so you can easily move them from one location to another.


Ease of use

Intercom systems are very easy to use, so you won't have to spend a lot of time training employees on how to use the system.


If you are thinking of investing in an intercom system for your home or business, then these are just some of the benefits that you can expect to enjoy. Intercom systems offer a wide range of advantages and can be tailored to suit your specific needs.