Injections into the 꽁머니 site can be dangerous because the injection site can be close to the hip joint, sciatic nerve, and blood vessels. The injection site should be located on the upper third of the line, where there is thick muscle and no large blood vessels or nerves. Injections in this location should be performed only under the guidance of a physician.

Dorso-gluteal muscle

The dorso-gluteal muscle is located in the buttock. It is not an optimal site for steroid injection because it is so close to the sciatic nerve and major blood vessels. The injection site is the upper outer quadrant of the buttock, 5-8 cm below the iliac crest. The needle can be placed in the muscle with a 37-mm needle. However, it is unlikely to reach the muscle depth in more than 43% of female patients and 14.3% of males.

The correct location for a gluteal injection depends on the patient's body mass index and the shape of their body. A study conducted in Japan found that patients with a BMI of 21 had a DEUF of 30 mm and a DEI of 50 mm for the gluteus medius. Choosing the right site for a gluteal injection will decrease the risk of pain.


The quadriceps are a group of muscles in the lower leg. They are responsible for supporting the thighs and the hips. Many exercises target this group of muscles. Single-leg squats are an excellent choice because they train quad strength. To do single-leg squats, engage your core, push your hips back, and extend your right foot for balance. Then, push through the left foot and return to a standing position. Repeat 10 times on each side. When performing single-leg squats, you may also want to place your right heel on the floor for added stability.

The quadriceps femoris are one of the largest groups of muscles in the body. They help you get out of a chair, walk, and run. Strong quads will improve knee stability, reduce stress on the knees, and increase athletic performance. To keep your quads healthy and in good condition, incorporate gentle stretches and strength-building exercises into your daily routine.


Building up your butt site glutes is a fantastic way to enhance athletic performance and reduce risk of injury. You can develop a strong butt by engaging in a series of exercises that target all the major gluteal muscle fibres. The gluteus maximus is a combination of fast and slow-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch muscles are typically used for sprinting, while slow-twitch muscles are used for endurance exercises. Strength training combined with low-load endurance exercises is an effective way to target the gluteal muscles.

However, while training your glutes, it is important to remember that proper muscle recovery is critical to your goals. If you work out too hard without recovering your muscles, you won't be able to achieve full results. If you're looking for results that last for a long time, you need to make sure your glutes are working properly.


Although complications from butt site surgery are rare, they do happen. Patients should be aware of the risks and take necessary precautions. The surgery site is prone to infection, so proper cleanliness is a must. Also, prevent touching or scratching the incisions. You should call your surgeon immediately if you notice a foul smell in the area. Seroma, a collection of fluid around the surgery site, is another possible complication. If you are under the care of an inexperienced cosmetic surgeon, this could lead to infection.