Iceland is a country of stunning natural beauty, with its glaciers, waterfalls, hot springs, and geysers. It's a land of contrasts, with rugged landscapes and modern cities, and it's a popular tourist destination. If you're planning a trip to Iceland, a paket tour is a great way to see the best of what this country has to offer. In this post, we'll take a closer look at some of the highlights of Paket Tour Iceland.

The Northern Lights

One of the most popular attractions in Iceland is the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. This natural phenomenon occurs when charged particles from the sun collide with particles in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a spectacular display of colorful lights in the sky. The best time to see the Northern Lights is from September to April, and a paket tour will take you to some of the best spots for viewing this spectacular show.

The Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is a popular tourist route in Iceland that takes in some of the country's most stunning natural attractions. It includes the Thingvellir National Park, where you can see the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Silfra Fissure, a popular spot for snorkeling and diving. The Golden Circle also includes the Geysir Geothermal Area, where you can see the famous Strokkur geyser erupting every few minutes, and the Gullfoss Waterfall, one of Iceland's most impressive waterfalls.

The Blue Lagoon

No trip to Iceland is complete without a visit to the Blue Lagoon. This geothermal spa is located in a lava field near Reykjavik and is one of the country's most popular attractions. The Blue Lagoon is known for its warm, milky-blue waters, which are rich in minerals and believed to have healing properties. A paket tour to Iceland will usually include a visit to the Blue Lagoon, where you can relax in the warm waters and enjoy the stunning views.


A paket tour to Iceland is a great way to explore this beautiful country and see some of its most stunning natural attractions. Whether you're interested in seeing the Northern Lights, exploring the Golden Circle, or relaxing in the Blue Lagoon, there's something for everyone in Iceland. So why not book your paket tour today and start planning your Icelandic adventure?