UI and UX are crucial for mobile apps. They are responsible for the first impression users get of your app. Mobile app design can, in fact, make the difference between success and failure. Over 70% of online businesses fail because of poor UI/UX design. So, if you want your app’s users to stick around, you must make your app design worthwhile.

There are new trends each year that grow popular because of their contribution to app design. These are worth considering because they help deliver an unforgettable user experience. This increases engagement and ROI due to greater satisfaction.

App designers also need to know what's hot and learn to incorporate them to expand their toolkit.

What’s Popular In Mobile App Design This Year?

  1. Augmented Reality

Mobile apps can leverage AR to provide unique and engaging interactions to users, such as virtual try-ons, spatial mapping, or gamified experiences. Incorporating AR into your app can captivate users and differentiate your offering from competitors.

  1. Chatbots

This is a trend you must definitely be aware of. Chatbots have found their use in nearly every industry. They’ve received an excellent response due to their capacity to help customers and speed up business operations in a cost-effective manner. Adding one to your app can be a game changer since it can handle several conversations simultaneously.  

  1. Neumorphism

Neumorphism is a mobile app UI/UX design trend that combines skeuomorphism and minimalism, resulting in a soft and tactile interface. This style emphasizes realistic and subtle 3D elements while maintaining a clean, minimalist aesthetic.

Adopting neumorphism can give your app a modern and cutting-edge look. It creates a sense of depth and texture, making app interfaces more visually appealing and inviting. Designers typically use neumorphism for certain elements rather than entire apps. Using it in the right places will look incredibly appealing to users, consequently boosting engagement.

  1. Dark Mode

This mode has remained one of the top app UI trends for a few years, so don’t be surprised if your app designing company suggests it. It involves a dark or black background with the text in light colors. Dark mode has come in handy with increased mobile phone use. It has proven helpful in decreasing eye strain while extending battery use.

  1. Passwordless Login

Passwordless login may sound bogus, but it's definitely getting popular among app developers these days. That's because entering the password every time you open an app has gotten quite bothersome.

Passwords can also be stolen and entered by unauthorized users, so they aren't as safe as they once were. App makers understand this, and they've worked on new technologies that don't require passwords to log in. 

  1. Micro-interactions

Micro-interactions are small, subtle animations or feedback elements within an app that provide users with instant visual or auditory cues. These interactions add a touch of delight and make the app feel more responsive and interactive.

Integrating micro-interactions into your app can significantly improve user engagement and satisfaction, whether it's a button animation, a loading spinner, or a satisfying sound effect.

  1. Glassmorphism

As the name suggests, this design trend is more about translucency, similar to the transparency and translucency of glass. The design makes the users feel as if they're looking through glass using different skeuomorphism elements, such as reflections and heavy drop shadows.

Glassmorphism is easy to spot nowadays, especially in Apple products. The world-famous brand has perfected the design style of blurred elements with slightly translucent backgrounds that make it appear as if one is looking through glass. This design has been popular among many app design companies because it adds the beauty of dimensional effects to minimalism. As a result, users don't feel as if they're staring at a flat screen.  


These design trends have stood out as mobile design continues to evolve in 2023. See where these might fit into your app before incorporating them. Experienced app design companies can help you leverage these in the best way possible, so get in touch with one to save valuable time and effort.