What is Cenforce 100mg Tablet?

Cenforce 100mg can be that is used to treat Impotence, also known as Erectile Dysfunction, in men. Impotence occurs when a man is unable to get erections in sexual encounters.

It's a source of sildenafil citrate as well as other ED medicines like Viagra.

Sildenafil Citrate improves the flow of blood through the Penis. A proper flow of blood to the penile area is crucial to an effective erection. Additionally, only a healthy erection will provide sexual satisfaction throughout the night.

Cenforce tablet 100 mg counts within the category of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor.

The Blue Pills aid in maintaining an extended hard Erection to ensure sexual pleasure. Also known as the small blue pill, that can boost your sexual experience.

You can purchase the small blue pill Cenforce at any pharmacy, online or offline. Always consult your physician before taking this medication and be aware of Sildenafil citrate tablets aren't useful in the treatment of sexually transmitted illnesses.

Cenforce 100mg Uses

Here are a few ailments that require Cenforce can be beneficial. It covers treatments for medical conditions like.

Erectile dysfunction, impotence, or erectile insufficiency

The problem is that it's difficult to achieve and maintain an erection that is firm during sexual stimulation for males. The reason for this sexual ailment may be the deficiency of blood flow to the penile region when sexual stimulation occurs.

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)

In the course of pulmonary arterial hypertension which is a condition, you can feel the elevated blood pressure in the arterial arteries connecting your heart and the lung.

The tiny arteries that line the lungs become narrow and blocked, making your heart more difficult to circulate blood.

Sildenafil could help to improve blood circulation to the lungs via expanding blood vessels in PAH. If a physician has advised you to take this salt as a healthy treatment for PAH, make sure you adhere to the doses.

Company Name of the Medication

Cenforce is an item of Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Centurion Labs are trusted and well-known manufacturers of medicine. They are an Indian Company which has been producing products since 2006.

What is the process behind Cenforce 100mg function?

Cenforce Tablets 100mg form part of the group of PDE-5 enzyme inhibitors. A chemical that occurs naturally, phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) is found in the penile area. It is a catalyst for the inhibition of the PDE-5 enzyme and the degrading of the cGMP levels within the body.

In turn, cGMP can contract the blood vessels as a result of ED effects. So, increasing the cGMP level dilates the bloodstream to ensure adequate circulation of blood.

In sexual arousal, the increased blood flow can facilitate erectile function in males. Penis stays erect for a longer time. It is among the most effective treatments for ED. Additionally to that, this Medicine can be a useful method to improve sexual performance.

How to Use Cenforce 100 mg Tablets?

Consume Cenforce 100 mg for 30 to 60 minutes before having sexual relations. Consume one tablet of sildenafil 100mg taken orally over 24 hours, but no more than it.

It is safe to swallow Cenforce 100 mg with a full stomach or after an easy meal. A light meal also boosts the effectiveness of the medication and aids the body to absorb the medicine quickly. Avoid eating a large meal. Foods high in fat can delay their actions.

The advice of the doctor can aid you in choosing the best dose of Sildenafil Citrate dosage for you. If your doctor has directed you to take Cenforce 100 mg per day, give yourself 24 days between doses. The dosage can differ based on the tolerance of the consumer.

Dosage - Missed & Overdose Instruction

Incorrect DosageThe fact that you are taking Cenforce 100 mg tablet to meet your needs makes it difficult to miss the dosage. If you have missed the dose, you should take it 30 minutes before sexual encounters. The patient must use the dosage prescribed by their doctor but with caution.

Overdose If you've taken too much Cenforce 100 mg of medicine You must see an accredited doctor right away. Consult a doctor before taking any dose that contains Sildenafil tablets. If you've taken too much in error, consult your doctor immediately to prevent any adverse negative effects.

Other Dosage of sildenafil:-

·         Cenforce 25 Mg

·         Cenforce 50 Mg

·         Cenforce 150 Mg

·         Cenforce 120 Mg

·         Cenforce 200 Mg

·         Cenforce Soft 100

·         Cenforce FM 100 Mg

·         Cenforce D

·         Cenforce Professional 100 Mg

Side effects

Cenforce 100 can have important and minor side effects, just like every other drug. Cenforce's side effects could occur during the initial usage of the drug' for a handful of patients.

·         Dizziness

·         Drowsiness

·         Lightheadedness

·         Dryness of the throat and sweating excessively

·         Ringing and buzzing in the ears

·         An unexpected rise in blood pressure

·         Heartbeats are accelerated

·         Nerves and confusion

·         Sleep disorders and insomnia

·         A feeling of numbness

·         Chest pain

·         Aches and pains in the chest

·         Vision loss (in extremely rare, critical situations)

·         Muscle Pain

·         Prolonged or painful erection

·         Breathing difficulty

Drug interactions

Certain drugs can interfere when taken together with Cenforce 100 mg which is dangerous for health. Additionally, the use of ED tablets together could negatively affect your body. Please inform your physician whether you are taking other medications.

The consumption of Cenforce 100 mg along with Nitrates could be dangerous and harmful to health. Additionally, the combination could result in a higher risk of cardiovascular health issues. However, combining use can raise cGMP levels within the body. It is potentially dangerous and can even override the safety limit in the bloodstream.

Alpha-blockers may cause hypotension when you are taking them.

The stimulators of cGMP, like drugs such as riociguat, could result in unintentional levels of cGMP.

Interactions with Alcohol

Cenforce 100 mg may lower blood pressure following it is consumed. However, drinking alcohol in the course of it can increase the effects, making it dangerous.

Alcohol consumption with these drugs can be harmful and can cause typical adverse negative effects. Therefore, it is recommended to stay clear of alcohol while taking the medication.

The interaction between Grapefruit & Grape juice

Beware of drinking or eating regularly a lot of grapefruit juice or grapefruit when you are using ED drugs. The interaction with Grapefruit could increase the amount of medicine in your body.

It can make the tablet take longer to work in the human body. Make sure to stay clear of eating grapefruit-based products when taking ED medication.

When is it appropriate to stop taking medicine?

Patients suffering from serious cardiovascular conditions such as Angina and High BP should not take Erection medication. The interaction of these medications with the medical condition could cause death.

Avoid using Cenforce 100 mg when you are allergic to medicines that inhibit PDE-5.


Recently, I suffered an attack on the heart or stroke, also known as myocardial infarction.

Safety advise and safety precautions

People who are allergic to Viagra should avoid these medications.

Before taking these medicines be sure to inform your doctor whether you've had any heart surgery or procedure.

Utilize Cenforce 100 mg tablets be cautious If you have kidney or liver diseases.

Don't operate or drive machines that are heavy if they affect your eyesight or alertness.

Patients younger than 18 years of age are not allowed to take this Medicine.

Consume it only during lactation or pregnancy It is not intended for use by women.

Storage Information

The medication should not be stored in special storage facilities and must be stored at ambient temperature. Be sure to keep these tablets out of the direct light of the sun as it may cause the oxidation of the medicine. Also, do not keep it in a humid and humid place that could result in destruction. Be sure that it is not in the range of pets and children.