International business is a dynamic and complex field that encompasses a wide range of topics and issues. Completing a dissertation in international business allows students to explore critical aspects of global trade, multinational corporations, and cross-cultural management.

This article presents 10 must-read dissertation topics in international business, inspiring students seeking to conduct in-depth research and make valuable contributions to the field. Whether you require a dissertation or need guidance in selecting a topic, these international business dissertation topics will help you embark on a successful journey.

  1. The Impact of Globalization on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

This dissertation topic examines the effects of globalization on small and medium-sized enterprises. It explores how SMEs navigate international markets, address challenges, and seize opportunities in the context of globalization. The research can focus on specific industries or regions, analyzing factors such as trade policies, technology, and market entry strategies.

Understanding the implications of globalization for SMEs is essential for promoting their competitiveness and sustainable growth in the global marketplace. Globalization boosts opportunities for SMEs, but challenges arise, dissertation proofreading services UK can enhance SME research on globalization's impact.

  1. Cross-Cultural Management: Strategies for Effective Global Leadership

This dissertation topic explores the challenges and strategies for effective cross-cultural management in international business. It delves into the complexities of managing diverse teams, negotiating across cultures, and fostering cultural intelligence. The research can investigate leadership styles, communication patterns, and the impact of cultural differences on organizational performance. By providing insights into effective cross-cultural management, this research can contribute to enhancing the success of international businesses operating in multicultural environments.

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

This dissertation topic focuses on corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices in multinational corporations. It examines how MNCs integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations, addressing issues such as ethical sourcing, sustainability, and community engagement. The research can analyze the drivers, challenges, and impacts of CSR initiatives in different industries and regions. By exploring CSR in MNCs, this research contributes to understanding the role of businesses in promoting sustainable development and responsible global citizenship.

  1. The Role of Technology in International Supply Chain Management

This dissertation topic explores the role of technology in international supply chain management. It examines the adoption and impact of technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) on supply chain efficiency, visibility, and sustainability. The research can analyze case studies, industry trends, and best practices in leveraging technology for international supply chain operations. Understanding the potential of technology in optimizing global supply chains is crucial for businesses seeking to gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

  1. Market Entry Strategies in Emerging Economies

This dissertation topic investigates market entry strategies for international businesses in emerging economies. It examines the unique challenges and opportunities presented by these dynamic markets, including cultural nuances, regulatory environments, and consumer behavior. The research can analyze successful market entry strategies employed by multinational corporations and identify key factors that contribute to their success. Understanding effective strategies for entering emerging economies is vital for businesses seeking growth and expansion in these promising markets.

  1. Intellectual Property Protection in International Business

This dissertation topic explores the complexities of intellectual property (IP) protection in the context of international business. It examines the legal frameworks, challenges, and strategies for safeguarding intellectual property rights across borders. The research can analyze case studies, international agreements, and emerging issues in IP protection. Understanding the intricacies of IP protection in international business is crucial for businesses aiming to innovate, compete, and protect their valuable intellectual assets globally.

  1. International Trade Policies and Their Impact on Global Business

This dissertation topic focuses on the impact of international trade policies on global business operations. It examines the role of trade agreements, tariffs, and trade barriers in shaping international trade flows and influencing business strategies. The research can analyze the effects of trade policies on specific industries or countries, exploring topics such as trade liberalization, protectionism, and regional trade agreements. Understanding the complexities of international trade policies and their implications for global business is essential for organizations to navigate the ever-changing trade landscape and make informed decisions.

  1. The Role of International Marketing in Global Business Expansion

This dissertation topic explores the role of international marketing in facilitating global business expansion. It examines the strategies, challenges, and cultural considerations involved in marketing products and services across international markets. The research can analyze successful international marketing campaigns, consumer behavior in different cultural contexts, and the impact of digital marketing on global business. Understanding effective international marketing practices is vital for organizations aiming to reach diverse audiences and achieve sustainable growth in the global marketplace. 

  1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Economic Development

This dissertation topic investigates the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic development. It explores the factors that attract FDI, the impact of FDI on host countries' economies, and the role of multinational corporations as agents of economic growth. The research can analyze case studies, economic indicators, and policy frameworks to examine the effects of FDI on employment, technology transfer, and overall economic development. Understanding the dynamics of FDI and its implications for economic growth is crucial for policymakers and businesses alike.


Selecting a compelling dissertation topic is crucial for conducting impactful research in the field of international business. The 10 must-read dissertation topics discussed in this article provide a foundation for students to explore critical issues and make valuable contributions to the field. By delving into areas such as globalization's impact on SMEs, cross-cultural management, corporate social responsibility, technology in supply chain management, market entry strategies, intellectual property protection, international trade policies, international marketing, foreign direct investment, and international business ethics, students can contribute to the understanding and advancement of international business practices.