With the popularity of meteorological knowledge, more and more people know about weather monitoring instruments. Weather monitoring instruments are also known as weather stations or small weather stations.

Weather stations are divided into photovoltaic weather stations, agricultural weather stations, campus weather stations, scenic weather stations weather stations, traffic weather stations, forest weather stations, urban community weather stations and so on. Weather station, its main function is to monitor meteorological elements.

With the development of the meteorological industry, a new type of weather station has entered our vision - ultrasonic weather station. So, what is an ultrasonic weather station?

The Integrated Ultrasonic Weather Station uses ultrasonic probes to measure wind speed and direction, eliminating the need for moving parts and making the instrument more durable and the data more reliable. Built-in temperature, humidity and pressure sensors predict weather changes. The Integrated Ultrasonic Weather Station meets the growing demand for real-time on-site weather information.

Accurate data can help organizations make important decisions about climatic conditions that affect safety and operations. Conventional meteorological instruments consist of several sensors, including wind cups, which can be easily damaged and have low data accuracy at low wind speeds. The ultrasonic integrated weather station is a compact instrument with multiple weather sensors and no moving parts.

The main features of the ultrasonic weather station can be seen as follows:

1. Ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensors do not need mechanical parts, structural integration, the instrument is more durable;

2. Integrated design, more stable in use;

3. Compact structure, small size, easy installation/maintenance.