Indeed Dogs are known as the best friend of humans. They feel the companionship of love and loyalty that is unmatched for us. However, we have a great responsibility to keep them safe and secure but it seems that sometimes dogs have run away from home. This behavior is so worrying for any dog owner. It is essential to understand why dogs run away and take steps to prevent such this incident happened in the future. 

Many people have questioned why do dogs run away. If your dog escapes his yard, and it seems to be securely fenced. you might have a challenge on your hands. Walk the perimeter of your yard, pushing on the fence as you go along, to check for loose boards or gaps in the chainlink that a crafty dog can slip through. What might seem inconsequential to you may be just big enough for your dog. Slightly larger gaps between the ground and the bottom of the fence might be your dog’s route to freedom too.

1. Curiosity:

We well know that dogs are curious animals naturally. So they love to explore their surrounding. If a dog sees an open gate or an unlocked door. He may try to take the opportunity to explore the outside world. This behavior is most common in younger dogs. Who have not yet learned to stay in one place. Puppies are particularly curious. When they see something interesting or unfamiliar they tend to run away to an undefined direction.

2. Fear and Anxiety:

Fear and anxiety are common reasons why dogs run away. Dogs are very sensitive animals, and they could become scared or anxious in certain situations. Loud noises, such as thunder or fireworks, could scare a dog and cause him to run away. Dogs could also become anxious when left alone for long periods which could lead to separation anxiety.

3. Boredom:

Dogs are social animal, and they want attention and interaction from owners. If a dog is left alone for a long time, he could become bored and restless. This boredom could lead to destructive behavior. Like chewing or digging, and could also cause a dog to run away in search of something more interesting to do.

4. Escape:

Dogs can try to escape from something that feels bad. For example, if someone human or animal is mistreated or abused him. He may try to run away to avoid this mistreatment with him. Dogs may also try to escape if they are felt threatened by other animals or humans. In some cases, a dog could run away if he felt trapped or confined.

5. Hormones:

Many times I observed that unneutered male dogs are more likely to run away than neutered dogs. Because unneutered dogs have higher levels of testosterone. Which could lead to a desire to roam and mate. While female dogs, when they felt heat could also run away in search of a mate. Therefore, it’s very important to keep tight-tie female dogs on a leash in a secure area during this time.