A wig is a big investment, so you really need to take good care of it if you want to keep it fresh. This will prevent you from replacing them in a short time. I bought a cheap human hair lace wigs before. I like it very much and it makes me more confident. Therefore, I learned some skills to maintain wigs and keep them fresh.

To make your wig look fresher for longer, make sure you wash your wig often, at least once a week, or after 30 wigs if you wear them daily. Also, keep your wig on a wig rack, and when you're not wearing it, be sure to take it off before you go to bed, swim, or shower.

If you didn't know until now that wigs can get oily, then you might want to pay attention to these tips!


1. Use the right products

You must also purchase items that are appropriate for wigs of high quality. 1 Natural hair products can be too strong and can cause hair to slump.

Keep the shampoo free of sulfate in order to keep the hair free. If you use a thick, overhydration shampoo unintentionally, you should follow up the moisture level of your hair with a cleansing shampoo to avoid moisture build-up.

2. Avoid wearing wigs while cooking

Do not worry about picnicking or cooking because hair can quickly absorb smells and smoke and finally appear dirty and faty or smelling. Try to cover it with a scarf over your skin if you can not survive without your wig.

You can also use dry shampoo to absorb any smell, or keep your wig dry for awhile outside!

3. Wash your wig regularly

You have to wash your wig! It may be easy to put on your wig every day, regardless of how you wash it, but it's important to maintain your washing routine.

Wigs should be washed every 10-15 times, more often if necessary. Washing your wig regularly prevents dirt and product from building up in your hair, making it easier to wash your wig!

If you want to learn more about the importance of washing your wigs, you can read more here.

4. Comb your hair more often

The best thing you can do is brush your wig several times a day! Tying your hair in knots will help you avoid tangling and sticking your hair together, which can make a wig look greasy.


Brushing your hair helps distribute the oil evenly across your hair, reducing hot spots! You can even buy a mini wide-toothed comb to carry in your wallet when you're about to run away.

5. Keep your hair naturally clean

Finally, it is recommended that you take care of the natural hair under the wig. By keeping your hair naturally clean, you can reduce the risk of many bacterial problems, dandruff, and lice that can make wearing a wig a pain.

The wig cap doesn't pick up dirt, bacteria, and sweat, so keeping your hair and scalp clean can make washing a wig faster and easier!

Final Idea

While wigs can get oily, which can be shocking, the problem is easy to deal with. Just follow the above steps and tips and you'll get rid of grease, manage and care for your wig and maybe save more time!