Students during their academic years need to write different types of assignments, and a literature review is part of it. Many students are not aware of types of literature reviews, and when they face an unknown type, they take online Assignment Help. You want to get scores in your assignments and not show others and your professors that you cannot face a challenge. Academic life is full of learning and discovering new aspects of a familiar subject, topic or category. It would be best if you never lost hope or shy away from any challenges because it can affect your confidence. Take help from whoever is available or any online sources. Here are some types of literature review you can come across while studying.

  1. Theoretical literature review

A theoretical literature review aims to examine and observe the theoretical collection of problem, theories, concepts, and phenomena. A survey of the theoretical literature review can help identify the existing theories, the relationship between them, the amount of research performed in the current times on the existing approaches, and the new thesis's progress. The said type of review is used to discover the absence of significant theories or display that the current approaches do not explain the latest or arising research questions. The said literature review can emphasise the theoretical concept or on the entire framework. Students can take assignment help if they cannot understand the way the said review should be written. Another thing students should never forget is using a Plagiarism checker while developing any assignment.

  1. Historical Literature review

The historical literature review emphasises research over time, generally starting from when problems, theories, concepts, and phenomena begin to show up in the literature and then keep track of their growth in academic disciplines. A historical literature review aims to position the research in a historical context to display the knowledge of modern evolution and establish in which direction it could go for future research purpose. You can create a perfect and impressive resume for your job interviews simply by the advanced Resume Builder tool.

  1. Empirical Literature review

One of the most popular literature review, widely used by students because it works with original research like scientific research studies, experiments, and surveys. The research is performed on real-life experiences and observations rather than a make-belief theory that doesn't exist. If you want to create the APA citation easily and without making any mistakes then you can use the APA citation generator. The empirical literature review can provide a solution to several social work questions. Moreover, it can be used from the resources having the data on social indicators. Students can have questions about social indicators, like what is a social indicator? Or what are they used? Social indicators are facts and details about social, economic, and psychological factors that can affect the safety of communities or other groups.

The above-mentioned types of literature review can help you with getting a brief idea about them.
