Fans and players from the action-adventure game ARK Survival Evolved should be patient while using the game's next paid expansion pack, as the ARK Genesis Part 2 DLC is delayed until June 2nd, and the main theme and new key art game have been released. 

This is the team's sincere apology and explanation for the delay of DLC through the game's official website. 

The last chapter of ARK: Survival Evolved could be the most complex and ambitious expansion we've got created to date! We are prepared to share with you and are also proud of the great effort, creativity, and enthusiasm with the team. Players cheap buy ARK Items on the legit store ArkRex, delivery fast! We firmly think that Genesis 2 may be the best choice that you should travel around in ARK within the last 6 years, which is an appropriate story conclusion, and hope our players will perform as well!

As most of you know, we've got transitioned into a completely remote working environment since the beginning of recently. The transition from the collaborative in-office workflow to remote work faces unique challenges.

The team needed to work from home through the entire release process, which exacerbated the massive scope in the second component of Genesis plus the challenge of ending ARK 1 out of an explosive manner that people personally set. We have thought we would postpone the launch time by one week until June 2. It just has become the 6th anniversary of ARK! At the same time, many cheap ARK Items you can buy.

For us, that is a difficult decision, because we are eager to play Genesis 2 like you, but also, in the end, we presume it's the best decision to offer new content to our players in the best way. 

We sincerely thank you for your patience and hope that after you get to play Genesis Part 2 and make the first steps towards the end — or maybe a new beginning? — that you agree the wait could have been more than worth it!