The Burning North Hollywood sun demands a reliable air conditioning system. Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your AC operates efficiently and keeps you cool all summer long. Here at Progressive AC Service, we recommend these essential AC maintenance tips:

1. Schedule Regular Checkups: Just like your car, your AC needs an annual checkup from a qualified technician. This ensures your system is clean, functioning properly, and ready to tackle the summer heat.

2. Change Your Air Filters Regularly: A clogged air filter restricts airflow, reducing efficiency and increasing energy bills. Replace your filter monthly during peak season and every other month during off-seasons.

3. Clean Outdoor Unit Debris: Leaves, twigs, and debris can accumulate around your outdoor unit, hindering airflow and performance. Regularly clear the area around the unit to maintain optimal function.

4. Keep Vents and Registers Unobstructed: Blocked vents prevent cool air from reaching all areas of your home, leading to uneven cooling and wasted energy. Ensure furniture, drapes, and other objects are not obstructing vents.

5. Invest in Professional Maintenance: While these tips are essential, professional maintenance by experienced technicians like Progressive AC Service is crucial for catching minor issues before they become major problems.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your AC system runs smoothly, efficiently, and keeps you comfortable throughout the hot North Hollywood summers. Contact Progressive AC Service today for expert AC maintenance and enjoy year-round peace of mind.

Contact us at +18183834233 or visit 12764 Cohasset St, North Hollywood, CA 91605, United States.