Generate immortalised cell lines by isolation from a naturally occurring cancer, or introduction of a viral gene that partially deregulates the cell cycle (e.g., the adenovirus type 5 E1 gene was used to immortalise the HEK 293 cell line; the Epstein-Barr virus can immortalise B lymphocytes by infection.) Creative Bioarray can provide you immortalized human cell lines with an integrated platform for meeting the needs for virtually any relevant research project.

Murine cells show frequent spontaneous immortalization in contrust to human cells that almost never spontaneously immortalize. Addition of DNA tumor viruses alone, mild mutagen treatments and even deregulated expression of  cellular genes such as c-myc are enough in certain murine cells for immortalization. Crisis stage is either not observed or is very subtle in case of murine cells, due to their ability to immortalize spontaneously, were exploited to identify genes associated with cellular mortal or immortal phenotypes. Independent studies on spontaneously immortalized clones from different strains of mouse have shown that most of these clones had one or both mutant p53 alleles, in contrast to their parent cells which expressed wild type p53. The immortal clones which expressed wild type p53 were found to be defective in one or other elements of the pRb pathway. Creative Bioarray can provide you immortalized murine cell lines with an integrated platform for meeting the needs for virtually any relevant research project.