When you plan a web development project, there are thousands of questions to answer. One of them concerns the choice of the engine for the site. It's a shame if you spend a lot of time solving this simple problem. website development company in Dubai will show you how to choose the right CMS for your website development quickly and efficiently.

Why Is It Difficult To Choose CMS For A Website Development

The answer to this question may surprise you. The fact is that for the implementation of almost any website development project, any CMS is suitable for you. For example, you can choose Joomla! Or WordPress, content project, blog, portal, web solutions, brochure website, whatever. 

Choosing a CMS, you will surely come across web development companies in Dubai who say that Joomla! and Drupal is complete nonsense, and your project can be done well only on WordPress. By the way, the names of the CMS in the previous sentence can be arbitrarily changed. So, don't trust such Web Design Agency Dubai. In most cases, their adherence to the CMS is purely personal preference. The specialist is accustomed to working with "Joomla", knows it well, and is afraid of other "CMS" or simply does not want to understand.

Does this mean that you can not listen to anyone, take the first CMS you come across and create a website on it? Of course not.

Firstly, if you trust Ecommerce Web Development Dubai, it is better to let them work with your favorite CMS, if this does not create inconvenience for you and your audience.

Secondly, each CMS is specific. Even if you know how to work in WordPress, you are unlikely to be able to immediately publish material in Drupal. In addition, each CMS has its own technical limitations. If, in the third year of the web development, you run into the impossibility of realizing the idea due to an incorrectly chosen CMS at the start, it will be a shame.


WordPress is the perfect CMS solution that will have enough capabilities for the vast majority of users. It allows you to work with content in block-visual mode and in HTML mode.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the default solution, select the editor that suits you in the plugins directory , for example, Advanced Editor Tools .