What to look for in the Plastic Wicker Laundry Basket


  Plastic Wicker Laundry Basket is usually made of several different materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Plastic laundry baskets are very light, but some will become brittle and crack over time. Wicker baskets are more durable and sustainable, but they can also easily catch delicate items. You can also find mesh and fabric laundry baskets, but they are not as strong as other options.


  The Plastic Wicker Laundry Basket comes in various shapes and sizes, and the best choice for you depends on the amount of laundry you want to process. The size of the basket is usually measured in bushels or pounds-a 1-bushel basket is suitable for one or two people, and a 2-bushel basket is more suitable for small families.


  Traditional Plastic Wicker Laundry Baskets are difficult to store when not in use because they are usually bulky. If you have a small house, you may want to look for a product that is easier to store-there are pop-up and foldable laundry baskets, as well as nested or stacked laundry baskets.

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