Quickbooks works efficiently and allows you to manage accounting and financial tasks. But it is not every time that Quickbooks run smoothly and at times you might get stuck, this may happen as Quickbooks may freeze or crash. Occurrence of this error is seen where software hangs and the system does not close even when you try to shut it down. It will generate new off-screen windows which are running in the background. All these factors can result in the occurrence of Quickbooks Desktop Freezing and Crashed Error

What is QuickBooks Desktop Freezing and Crashed Error?

Quickbooks desktop freezes error hinders your working with the Quickbooks. It generates a few off screen windows which run in the background. QuickBooks desktop Crashed Error also risks the unsaved data. 

How can Quickbooks Desktop Freezing Error be repaired?

Solution 1: Using Quickbooks clean install tool
Solution 2: Running Quickbooks install diagnostic tool. 
Solution 3: By changing the DAT and DDF files. 

Hopefully, you are able to fix Quickbooks Desktop Freezing and Crashing Error using these basic troubleshooting. If you need more help, reach out to Quickbooks Enterprise Support at +1-888-485-0289.