The glitch has been fixed, so idiots don't even try me. The issue was initially discovered by a few of fire cape osrs my friends. With time, more and more people started to notice the glitch. The people continued to die from the possibility of losing "300k" for every death, and earning profits. Jagex could find out (Yes, they're very slow at finding bugs). The banhammer* appeared shortly after the easter. It advised people that they could not go to work on Tuesday due to the possibility of being exiled.

Abusing clans immediately signaled their alarm (The clever ones made it happen on newb* accounts to have fun) A riot led by X__icy__x (Forgot his username and was banned), and followed by files after files of idiots who had made the wrong decision and walked through Runescape with their cheat-money. They took rares with their, so you might want it to be sold now.

There are pictures and youtube videos showing people trying, and succeeding with this glitch. Jagex will not ban anyone who has abused the system however they will grant users the benefits. The taking out of rares is proof. It's a good thing I own four Santa caps that I purchased at a price of 10m in the month of chance.

In a very long time, I have not played Runescape. After I left, there was a drop party held by yours truly. but now im back and want to play once more but there was a issue. I am completely broke and have no idea how to begin. So i decided to have a look around on how to make money. The results were the same... bowstrings and drags. I was looking for a more conventional way of making money. This was my ingenious idea. You can buy 28 tanned hides. They will cost you around 50k. Then now you make them into hide bodies. This will take time.

You must now get your Nats. This will allow you to alch each for around 4.6k. Total cost of 120k. 1 inventory... only one that allows you to make 70k profit in 10 minutes. The knowledge is available to buy osrs fire cape all who read it.