If you love carpets then you must know the right care is necessary to keep those rugs fresh and clean. Clean your carpet without damaging the environment by using an organic product daily. If you are looking for a residential carpet cleaning service, you can let them know that you use organic products to clean your carpet. It is better to build a precedent before letting a cleaning service dive into the cleaning process. Many DIY methods will leave your carpet smelling fresh as a daisy. Read on to find out more:

Wash it Down

Using water to wash the dirt from your carpet is the best option ever. It helps if you have a yard or a garage where you can lay down the full length of the carpet. If you don't have enough space in your home, you can use the porch or the sidewalk to clean the carpet in a jiffy. All you have to do is dry brush the carpet thoroughly. Use a long pipe to soak the carpet and brush each section as you pour the water. It will save water and let you brush out the dirt. After brushing the carpet from one end to the other, pour another sheet of water over the carpet to remove any loose dirt. Let the carpet dry and place it back.    

Make a Vinegar Mixture

Take half a cup of vinegar and add water to fill it to the top. Keep the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray it over the stain and leave it for fifteen minutes. Use a soft wet cloth to dab out the solution. Don't let the vinegar stay on the carpet for too long. It will leave a foul smell and you might have a bigger stain than the last one. Precision is key. The best carpet cleaning companies use quick movements to avoid a runoff.  Always wear gloves while working with such mixtures. These ingredients are easily available in your home and provide excellent results after the first application.  Affordable carpet cleaning services can help you get the best results in a matter of hours.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning allows you to clean your carpets without using chemicals. If you have a handheld steamer, attach it to the base of a rod. Cover the steamer with a towel and put the steamer on. Move the steamer over stains and the rest of the carpet. In the next step, use your vacuum cleaner to suck up the dirt from the surface of the carpet. Make sure your movements are slow and calculated to avoid any sharp marks. 

Baking Soda and Vinegar

A mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and water can remove the toughest stains from a carpet. Mix the vinegar and water in a spray bottle and add a pinch of salt to bind the particles together. Put dry baking soda on top of the stain. Spray the solution on the baking soda until the bubble starts to form. When the foam dies down, use blotting paper to clean the stain. Repeat the process until the stain is completely wiped out. 


Make a mixture of borax and vinegar and spray it on the stain. Use equal amounts of borax and vinegar i.e. half cup each. Leave the mixture for a few hours. Let it dry.  Keep the children away from the spot to reduce the chance of spreading the stain. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the dried mixture. Use a wet cloth to clean out the remaining paste. If you can still see the faint marks of a stain, spray some vinegar and rub it off until the carpet is completely clean.  If all else fails, you can always hire the same-day carpet cleaning service to get a squeaky clean carpet before the guests arrive.