I mean, for a lot of us this PSO2 Meseta game is no more than a fast log in, 5 min daily, then lobby idle until UQ, so this (not) new game will not really interfere with what a few of us are already doing lol I enjoy this game enough I will probably continue playing it even following NGS starts, particularly if they're intent on supporting it until 2022. Also the jury is still out on how cosmetics and other bound things will be managed outside of the obscure announcement. Makeup, premium, and expansions are all character bound but we don't know whether they will carry over, but if they do then it will not be a total waste of money.

I'm really excited for this update. I simply don't like our levels will be flashed. For someone who only started this season with NA, like me, it actually hinders my desire to keep progressing my character in the edition of PSO2 we have today. I don't mind leveling a new personality and whatnot, but if we're keeping weapons and components we really must know how they'll be taken over. I'd really like to have a couple of good sets of gear to use at the beginning but it could be... unfortunate should they nerfed a 13 star weapon to a 3 star or something comparable. I really could see a 13 dropping to a 12 or 11, possibly even 10 star with valid reasoning and sufficient new gear to locate. However, more than this would be ridiculous. And if affixes are not taken over it puts a hamper on attempting to affix things to be good gear. Might as well just slap a few decent ones on there for reduced cost and wait patiently till NG comes out to determine how they do affixing inside.

I would not be at all surprised if they took away a lot of the grind and other upgrades players have put in their gear so that veterans have less of an advantage over new PSO2 Meseta for sale players. They may also make entirely new skills which produce the transport equipment less relevant. Difficult to say. They did state that we may not meet the equip requirements of their transport equipment for some time after starting NGS, so clearly it will not transfer over as level 1 gear. I really don't believe we ought to set our expectations too high though. I'm going to assume transport equipment will be mid-game gear or need a ton of upgrades to be end-game equipment unless they state otherwise.