Have you noticed that couples like to quit nowadays? It seems like every time you turn around, someone's getting a divorce or breaking up. If you would like to avoid this trend, it's important to go into relationships with your eyes wide open. Realize that no one is perfect. Also, no one can meet everyone's expectations 100% of the time. This is completely unrealistic and is often what causes people to break up or divorce. Instead, consider the possibility that, as humans, we are flawed. We have problems, but if our heart is in the right place, we try, and we still feel love for one another, breaking up isn't the only option.


What's Really Bothering You

Instead of breaking up, perhaps it's time to dig deeper as to what is bothering you. Are you just simply annoyed with their daily routine? Is this something superficial? Is it something that can be changed? Oftentimes the reasons for breaking up are minimal at best. These are things that can be worked on or changed. An issue like infidelity, forgiving, and forgetting isn't always that simple. But, if one party is truly remorseful and wants to work on things, the worst investment you're going to lose is your time.


Could Better Communication Solve The Problem

Communication will make or break a relationship. This is perhaps the strongest way to relay who we are as a person. If one person doesn't feel like they really know their partner, then it can cause problems down the road. One way to counteract this is with couples counselling Calgary. With counseling, you can explore what's really bothering you in a safe space. Oftentimes, having a mediator can shed some light on your feelings and give you validation. For those that are unwilling to talk, counseling can often open the door.


Are You Recognizing Signs Of Abuse?

In situations where abuse is there or is discovered, putting up with it is not something anyone should do. Abuse is wrong. If you suspect this is what's happening to you, whether it be physical, emotional, or verbal, it's informed to take action. You can seek the help of a counselor and get help for the problem. Abuse behavior isn't always done knowingly. In fact, many of the behaviors of abuse go unchecked for years—simply because it wasn't identified as abusive. If you love someone, it's important to help them help themselves. This means consider therapy for them and for you. Together, you can unlock why the abuses are happening and put the relationship back together. However, in situations with physical abuse, you should separate while working on each other.