It's quite an achievement for a game that was once second to Electronic Arts' NBA Live Nba 2k22 Mt. Having left that franchise in the dust but now it's able to stand out from its source material according to Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick and added that the success of the game does not depend on whether the league is doing well or not.

"NBA2K now stands alone as an entertainment experience" said the executive. "Once when it was a thing it was just an add-on to the experience. If you think back to 2011, when there was a lockout it affected us. However, we entered into the pandemic. And, evidently the basketball game was not being practiced, and we came out perfectly. We performed better than we did.

The enthusiasm of gamers will be tested in kind when the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions of the game go on sale. Contrary to many other games, 2K Sports opted to create two different versions of the game. There's a potential risk to that particularly with the tiny amount of installs that accompany the latest system launch. Developers were looking to highlight special features of these games.

"The team wanted to design an entirely new title from the base," says Zelnick. "We believe that it's an absolute masterpiece. The City is a brand-new experience that elevates The Park to a whole new level. ... We're hoping to provide the best simulation experience and the top cultural basketball engagement lifestyle experience cheap mt nba 2k22. That's the kind of thing NBA2K is known for."