The can making machine had two large dials with selector needles on the front by which the codes for the various meals could be selected (one dial bore numbers, the other letters), and dispensed foil-wrapped blocks, served on paper plates, that looked like blocks of cheese or tofu, but when eaten tasted like whatever food had been programmed into the machine – such as bacon and eggs.

A food machine also stored water and milk, served in plastic sachets, which had to be replenished when empty because they weren't created by the machine.

The food machine rearranged molecular deconstructed fungus into whatever delicacy was ordered.

Food machines came with a booklet which had codes for the food they could create. The code for eggs and bacon was J62/L6 , while the code for spaghetti bolognese was KD/NB.

The machines became obsolete, though, and were replaced by kitchens.

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