Make everything discoverable. Omega Instant Search gives you the search solutions to power your business.

Instant Search as a sales booster:
Provide relevant search result from the first letter customer types in

Immediate search enhancement:
Works instantly after installing

Incorrect spelling is not a problem:
Find the correct results for a search query with incorrectly written words

Make your store's search smart:
Broaden the customer's view on the product you offer

Enhance the search with stop words:
Make the search results more relevant by excluding common words

Filters to narrow the search:
Provide customers with filters for excluding the unnecessary entries from search results

Search statistics in realtime:
Analyze search requests to easily spot customer demands

Seamless theme integration:
Get an enhanced search even if your theme doesn't have one by default

Rank products as you need:
Display the most popular and profitable products first

Redirect customers to products:
Skip the general search page and direct customers to the section they need

Make unique Search Results Page:
Flexibly configure how your store will present search results

Install the Omega Instant Search extension and let your customers discover every product in your store!

Check for more info:

instant search