Using a stainless steel sink ensures that it is of high quality. But you still need to check the size and depth of the sink so you can buy a sink that really fits your needs.

There is an easy way to find tools in your toolbox to assist you in installing a new stainless steel sink.

What do you need ?

Measuring table
Stainless steel double sink shower unit
Countertop cabinet with sink
Features suitable for the receiver unit
T-serrwсlаmр's troubles
Slotted screwdriver
Portable power
100% silicone rubber
Glue gun
Putter knife
Utility knife

Installing a new stainless steel sink in your toolbox will make food cleaner and easier. In addition to the most disturbing vegetables and utensils, double sinks can be used in other situations. Follow the directions to avoid having a double steel sink with stainless steel installed directly in your kit.

Step 1: Install the theme
Install the most suitable device on the mounting plate, then install the faucet on the water tank to be installed, and tighten the water faucet on the water tank.

Step 2: Cut off the table face to fit the sink bolt
Make sure this is the case from footsteps to the counter. You might cut everything on the counter and eliminate it with рilnil, so you can reduce it by up to 2 inches in the front.

After cutting the sink, cut it open and cut along the contour line. Hold the edges of the holes firmly to prevent cracks in the building blocks and laminates.

Step 3: Fill the edges
Invert the counterbore unit and fill a plug in the plugging hole to prevent the plugging hole from being blocked. Use a small knife to hold it in the saw a little bit before turning over the sink unit.

Since silicone resins tend to dry out due to drying, in some cases silicone resins can become stuffed.

Hope you are doing the right thing. Read on, and we are confident that you will be able to get real guidance on how to install a stainless steel sink.

Step 4: Press the sink unit down into Cоuntеrtор
Turn the sink unit over, then lower it and press the lid down slightly. Given that austerity has to be resolved before a series of heavy hassles can be avoided.

Step 5: Put the receiver Edgе in an unnecessary place of Kunterrt
Place four T-screws into the four of the sink unit and place a slot head at the bottom. The clamp will be clamped tightly between the countertops and then it will pass through the stainless steel of the sink itself.

Use a flat-bladed screwdriver to tighten a pinch in the shortest time until it bites firmly into the top and bottom. If installed tightly, the sunk level should be maintained at all levels.

Step 6: Eliminate Worries with PuttуKnif
Wait at least 2 hours to fill it up. Use cutters and utility knives to avoid the problem of hardening from all sinking edges.

If you want to get rid of the troublesome things, you will surely be close to yourself, yourself and others.

Step 7: First use
Insert the faucet into the sink, and then heat and cold water to fill it with 1/3 of water. It may cause the tap to leak and become severely blocked.

The stainless steel sink combines multiple kitchen styles with two deep bowls to separate clean and dirty dishes. When installed as a top-mounted sink, the low bezel simplifies cleaning. Ningbo Afa Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd. is a professional      Stainless Steel Sink Manufacturers     in China. If you have questions about the installation and use of stainless steel sinks and the quality of specifications, please visit: