
Protractor is an available open-source automation testing framework. It provides end-to-end testing for web applications integrated with AngularJS. It is compatible with Angular and Non-Angular applications. It can test complex HTML components and is extensively used for Angular testing. Join FITA Academy for the best Protractor Training in Chennai offers certification with 100% placement support. 

Why Protractor is used for Automation Testing:

Web Development:

The core components are using HTML properties like controller, repeater, model, and are easily implemented in testing the web applications. Protractor aids in the identification and testing of web items. It is widely used for automated end-to-end testing of Angular-based online applications.

Performance of end-to-end Testing:

Other testing frameworks are offers unit testing for web projects. It authorizes the testers to accomplish automated functional testing on web applications using Selenium web driver. It allows for testing of all application layers, resulting in high-quality, functionally robust software.

Browser Testing:

Protractor automates browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, and Yandex to replicate user interactions. It accomplishes this with the help of Selenium WebDriver Browser Drivers such as ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, SafariDriver, and others. This provides greater coverage for Cross Browser Testing.

Assist Real Devices:

Protractor may be used to evaluate Cross Browser Compatibility for a wide range of devices utilizing a Real Device Cloud while running tests on a remote server. BrowserStack's actual device cloud gives you access to a fleet of many desktop browsers as well as real mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Galaxy, OnePlus, Pixel, Xiaomi, and Redmi. 

FITA Academy’s Protractor Course Online will be your career establishing course.


Protractor is compatible with WebDriver API bindings built in a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby, and others, providing flexibility.

Assist Test Execution:

Protractor supports asynchronous performance via Callbacks, Promises, and Async to improve the speed or performance. The backend testing of web applications must be done in a short period. 

Automation Testing:

Protractor provides testers with the Automatic Waiting functionality, which eliminates the need for the wait and sleep statements in the code. As soon as the webpage completes the ongoing pending tasks, it can automatically execute the next step in the test. 


The Protractor is a non-Angular and Angular web application testing and open-source framework. We may use this to run numerous testing programs at the same time. Students in Bangalore can make use of the Protractor Training in Bangalore provides real-time projects with practical approaches.