Many businesses worldwide have adopted Business Intelligence (BI) applications to increase efficiency and performance by providing access to crucial business data. But how exactly do these BI applications work? Who builds them? And what can we expect in the coming years? Here are just some of the topics we’ll explore in this article on the future of business intelligence.

What the future of business intelligence holds and what you can expect out of it in 2022

Power BI, AI, and AI-empowered business intelligence tools will change how we all do business—but only if you stay ahead of the curve. In our latest whitepaper, we’ll look at what Business Intelligence Consulting looks like today and give you a glimpse into what it will be like by 2022. We’ll cover everything from how best to hire Power BI developers to how business owners can integrate intelligent algorithms into their day-to-day lives. Download our whitepaper today!

Self-service BI

It’s clear that business intelligence (BI) is going through some pretty significant changes. But what do these changes mean for businesses that aren’t well-versed in BI? It means they can make great use of self-service business intelligence without hiring power BI developers or doing much of anything at all. They’ll be able to take advantage of their data without a lot of advanced technical know-how—all thanks to self-service business intelligence.

Data Cognition

The development and adoption of Business Intelligence (BI) technologies will continue steadily through 2020. Gartner predicts that business spending on analytics and BI tools and services will surpass $8 billion by 2017, with as much as 30% of companies developing internal BI capabilities or using third-party services. As businesses are looking for new ways to gain insight from their data, they need Business Intelligence consulting providers who can answer their questions and address their needs.

Also Read: 8 Data-Driven Benefits of Microsoft Power BI tool, which makes it A Blockbuster

Natural Language Processing

If you think data-gathering is complicated, wait until you have to understand what all that data means. Luckily, natural language processing (NLP) makes it possible for machines and humans alike to understand and glean insights from unstructured data sources. NLP-based technology makes it easy for computers to read text, including various formats such as emails, surveys, transcripts, and social media posts.

Collaborative and Integrative BI

The concept of integrative business intelligence is now more popular than ever before, as organizations look for business intelligence systems that will automatically integrate data from across different platforms. Power BI provides a versatile tool that can help facilitate integrative BI, allowing users to collaborate on dashboards and share them with colleagues. Businesses are no longer hiring Power BI developers—they hire Power BI consultants. 

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