It's advised to film the entire delivery process, including opening the crate and taking off the artwork and inspecting it for damage.

 If you observe the signs of damage, snap close-up photos of the affected areas.

 finger). Although some damage could result from human error, that does not mean that you should accept a less than perfect artwork.

 The piece was in excellent condition when it was purchased.

 It is crucial to record and preserve packing materials

 If they're not used properly Certain packing materials could do more harm than good. Bubble-wrapping painting.

 the bubbles that face in (and without an initial film of plastic) will create holes on the surface of your artwork. This is because the art was not properly sealed.

 Wrapped incorrectly by a staff member of the gallery (or the artist) or by the shipping company.

 This is the reason you must take photographs of how the artwork was packed before wrapping it. Was the artwork protected adequately? protection around the corners? Often,

 If artwork is not handled with care, corners can crack or show signs scratching or denting. This is particularly true for mediums with fragile sides,

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 Prints of photographs on aluminum foil or works on papers are feasible.

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 Contact us immediately via the gallery

 Contact the gallery as soon as possible to obtain all the paperwork. Documentation includes the photos you took of the incident.

 the damage, and note the location of the damage. While the gallery could have provided one, you are able to include your own report on the condition.

 shipment. Here are some templates for condition reports as well as a guide to the best methods.

 They could be required for the event of an insurance claim, or if you sell your work ensure that you have a backup of your condition reports.

 You can resell the piece in the future. Artwork Archive, a database that collects artwork's data and lets collectors keep them together with important files.

 Reports can be generated for insurance, resale or appraisals.