8. Get technology on your side.
Cloud computing's rise is precisely what's enabled the surge in remote working. Instead of needing to copy documents manually or sign in to user accounts employees now have access to all the information necessary to do their jobs online.

Collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Trello project management software, and the web-based CRM (customer relation management) software make it simpler than ever to do work from home.

If you're having a lot of fun setting your video conferencing background using Zoom or taking the time to build a technology stack to make your job more simple, selecting the right applications will make all the difference.

9. When to turn off.
Finding the perfect balance between work life and home life has never been more difficult. While many praise the virtues of working from home, you can feel as if you're constantly working. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of when you should quit working.

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Your schedule for the day is different when you're a parent. However, it is important to have a set time when you can rest assured that you've completed your day. You'll need to be able to set clear boundaries and have self-discipline in your team members to accomplish this.

10. Don't be hard on yourself. Get help.
You deserve an award for the effort you put into juggling childcare and work, and every chance to assist.

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This could mean getting help from a loved one or hiring someone to assist with childcare, or asking your employer to provide flexible hours or a bit more flexibility during WFH.

Do not expect to handle everything perfectly and effectively every time. Find chances to make your work-life more manageable, and be patient with yourself when things don't go according to plan. If you're finding it difficult to manage issues, take a moment to relax and make sure to look after yourself. This could result in a stressful time. It's important that you are conscious of your limits and concentrate on your well-being.