What is the Getting Over It game?

The Getting Over It game is a psychological experiment that has been replicated in many other countries. The goal of the game is for the players to overcome their differences and help each other succeed by overcoming the obstacles of the game. However, a player who doesnt want to get over it can sabotage the others and break up the group.

How does it work?

The Getting Over It game is a game that consists of four boards. The first board is a Community Board and the second board is a Job Board. The third board is an Education Board, and the fourth board, the Group Board, has green numbers on it in order to indicate how many players have been sabotaged in that group. Every player starts with the same amount of money, but only those who have not been sabotaged can get paid for their work on the job board or education board. However, those who are lucky enough to make it to the group board must collaborate with other players if they want to succeed.

Why should you not participate in the Getting Over It game?

The Getting Over It game is a game that would be difficult to win. The goal of the game is to get over your differences and overcome the obstacles in order to help your fellow players succeed. However, if you are not interested in getting over it, you can sabotage the others and break up the group. There have been plenty of studies on how certain groups of people handle conflict differently. This research is important because understanding how we function as human beings will help us create more cohesive societies. One study shows that when people are given a chance to work together towards a common goal, they have a greater desire for cooperation than when individuals are put into groups with no motive of working together.

How to survive and get over it

One way to survive the getting over it game is by having a positive attitude. Being positive is not always easy and can be challenging, but the benefits are worth it. There are many ways you can take care of your attitude. One way to do this is by using self-care measures like exercise and meditation, which help improve your mood and reduce stress. Another way to care for yourself is to surround yourself with people who make you feel better. For example, if there's tension in one of your groups, spend more time with people who give you a lift when you're down. It's important to be around people who accept and value you for who you are because these relationships are what keep us going in life. The feeling that we get from being accepted by others keeps us going through difficult times like during the getting over it game.


In today's day and age, it's easy to feel like you can't catch a break. It's easy to feel like everyone is getting ahead of you and it's only a matter of time before you're behind. But it doesn't have to be this way. You can find ways to get moving forward, even when you feel like you've hit a brick wall. Here's how to get over it, even when it seems like everyone else is winning