An offshore (freezone) company in the UAE is not just an alternative to the classic offshore in Belize or the BVI, it is an excellent option for conducting foreign business. Companies registered in Dubai or other emirates, the access to the international market just as companies from England, the Czech Republic and other respectable jurisdictions.

The United Arab Emirates - this is one of the most respectable and reliable offshore jurisdictions as of 2022. And if you want to open a company in Ajman or other emirates, business consultants in dubai can help you:

Types of companies in the United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates offers three types of companies of interest to foreigners at once:

Classic Offshore;

Onshore (Mainland);

Companies which are registered in Free Economic Zones.

Classic offshore - these are international business companies (International Business Companies, IBC), which can only operate outside the UAE. This is a classic that will suit those who are looking for an offshore jurisdiction. But there can be difficulties with such companies, as some jurisdictions have restrictions on offshore operations.

Onshore are companies that operate only within the country.

For foreigners, this option is available only if there is a second founder - a citizen or resident of the UAE. To open an onshore company in the UAE for a citizen of the Russian Federation, there is only one way - to obtain residency. Business consultants in dubai help and are ready to advise which of them is the best in your personal situation.

Companies registered in the FEZ - this is one of the most interesting options.

Free economic (trade) zones have their own conditions for doing business. The government created such zones for the development of the country, so not all FEZs are designed for the participation of foreign business. But there are pleasant exceptions: Ajman and some other emirates.