I am someone who is always looking for new and unique articles of clothing that I can wear. Oodie have always been one of my favorites because they are so versatile, and can be used in a number of different situations. Techno Oodie  are now one of my new favorites, and I am very glad that I have bought one. You may not be very familiar with this item, I certainly was not until recently, so here is a basic overview of them.


The reason that people call them a techno hoodie is Oodie they have a built in MP3 player jack. This means you can hook up your MP3 player to the jack that is located on the inside of the jacket. This makes it extremely easy to carry around your music player, and you will not have to worry about dropping it or losing it since it is firmly entrenched into your pocket.

Even neater is the fact that the draw strings, which Oodie tighten up a hood, have been transformed into speakers. These speakers are easy to fit into your ears and have very comfortable rubber ends. The sound quality is also fantastic, which is very important. If you want something that is easy to workout in, or just to enjoy music while wearing, this is the perfect clothing option.

These items come in many different colors and are produced by a lot of different companies. They are very comfortable to wear, and can even be machine washed on a gentle cycle in most instances. These items are also sometimes called wired Oodie , which just means they are ready to have an MP3 player hooked up to them. If you want something different, this is certainly a great choice.