When you have ever seen the old movies where US military and law enforcing officials use some form of Combat ropes during training or in war zones, you might never forget about them. They are one of the most popular items of gear used by both the military and civilian population. The benefits of combat ropes are plenty. They include protection against injuries, building up one's stamina and helping to improve one's self-control. Here are just a few benefits of Combat ropes that you might not know about.


Ropes are primarily used for a couple of things. One of them is for running. You may not realize that this is one of the main uses for rope. Running is a great form of exercise that can be done even if there are no special circumstances; it's simply a form of exercise. Ropes are used for this purpose because they can provide support and stability for the runner.


The other use for combat ropes is for grappling. Grappling, in martial arts terms, is defined as using the ropes to bind an opponent. It is often used as a means to escape from the opponent once he has taken a hold of you. The benefit here is that it is usually one of the few forms of grappling that doesn't require you to hold onto anything or anyone at all. This makes it easy to escape from.


Martial arts experts and enthusiasts have long debated the effectiveness of ropes in terms of durability, but what they do not know is that regular nylon ropes can be used as combat ropes if properly cleaned and treated. Nylon ropes will last for a very long time and will be much stronger than their polyester counterparts. It is recommended that they are used in conjunction with another form of ropes such as the climbing harness. This will ensure that you have the strongest possible hold.


As mentioned above the most common uses of combat ropes are for grappling and escaping. But what the most commonly known benefits of combat ropes are and should not be ignored are for practice and self-defense. When used properly combat ropes can help improve hand-eye coordination, hand-discipline, and develop balance and stability. In addition to these benefits of combat ropes you will find that they are also one of the safest ropes available for self-defense as well.


Combat rope is available in many different sizes and colors, so it is not uncommon for an attacker to have a variety of items in his or her hands. If you are attacked, the rope can be used as a way to tie up your attackers hands or feet. Even if you are attacked by another person, the rope can be used to subdue them by pinching their arms or tying them up in a knot or wrap. Whatever the situation you can be assured that there will be no shortage of options when you need to use self-defense or defense training rope.