Quickbooks update error 15106 is one of the most common 15xxx errors. This error displays an on-screen error message when you update QuickBooks or Payroll. I get the error message “Error 15106: The update program is damaged” or “Error 15106: The update program cannot be opened.” This error interferes with the update function, either QuickBooks or Payroll. The error arises mainly due to a lack of administration rights and firewall restrictions in QuickBook. You can read the blog carefully to fix this error as it covers the solutions and causes in detail. There are several reasons for this error so that you can better understand the reasons. Not knowing them can lead to confusion. and wrong solutions. You may feel lost in solving this error. To get direction, you need to understand the causes. Some of the reasons are listed below: Incomplete or partial installation of QuickBook. The installation of the WebRoot antivirus is a possible cause of this error. The antivirus sees the QuickBooks installer as a threat and blocks its operations. Your user account does not have Windows administrator rights. Incorrect configuration of Windows User Account Control. Installation of third-party antivirus or antimalware programs. You can certainly try different solutions to fix this error, but what really matters is what is causing your error. Try or find a method based on the cause of your failure. This saves you time and leads you to a sensible solution.